Chapter 6

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Penny's POV

The words Wendy just said have changed everything. I'm a WITCH how could it be. When the word witch fell from her mouth something grabbed her. Ayyy what's going on,Wendy said. As she said that a tall cute carmel boy appeared. He held her hood on her jacket. Let go of me,Wendy yelled. Ayy man let go,Travis said with anger in his tone. No can do, the boy said. She coming with me, he contued.Your not taking her no where with you, Craig barked at him. Who are you, I yelled. The name's Milo and we better be off, the boy said. Wait, I yelled your not taking her. Well what you gonna do, Milo yelled. You don't know how to use your powers and I'm stealing your best friend, Milo said. You can't get her to stay on less you fight, so are you gonna fight, he asked? I looked at my friends. Can we fight? Yes, I yelled. Awl, well your a pretty girl I was hoping you say no but ok, Milo replied. Meet us in Zilero when you learn how to get there, with that Milo poofed away with Wendy. Travis looked enraged . Nooo this can't be happening he needs to bring her back now, Travis said. Will get her back bro, Craig said. (author: This is basicly what happened in the Prolouge I just wrote it a little differently)

As they were talking, I noticed something fell from Milo's pocket when he poofed off. It was very tiny. I went over and picked it up. As I looked at the small thing it looked like a pixie. Please don't hurt me, the cute little pixie said. We won't hurt you, I said. We should step on that thing it may be evil,Travis said. Please don't I'm not evil I promise I was Milo's prisoner, hiding in his pocket was the only way to escape, the pixie said. Omg I'm so sorry what's your name, I asked? Annabella, she said. She was blue with pink hair about 7 inches tall. She basically looked like a smurf. I can help you become a witch and get to Zilero, she said. Please let me help, she said with a small grin. I don't know Penny, Craig said. Come on Craig and Travis, I said. Look at how innocent she looks, I said defending her. Annabella did her innocent face. Fine, they said looking at her small face.

Ayy what's that on your shoulder Craig, Travis asked? What? Ayy get off my shoulder,Craig said grabing the small creature. It was another pixie he was yellow with purple hair. Ayy man don't hurt me I'm to small to be spoked,the boy pixie said. I'm not gonna hurt you man, Craig said. Thanks man, I'm just trying to live I'm Jasper, the boy pixie said. Jasper, Annbella yelled. How did you get here, Annbella asked? Oh I crowled in his other pocket hunny, Jasper answered. So I hear you need to learn to use your powers, Jasper replied. Yeah I do can you help, I asked? Well I know a little about magic I'm sure I can help, Jasper said. Well we need to start training so we can get Wendy back, Travis said. Well let's start then, Annabella said. We took Annabella and Jasper back to my house.

I set them on the table. So magic is based on your energy and mood, Annabela said. If you feel powerful you will be, Jasper said. Evil powers are very powerful, Annabella said. So you need to take your energy high, Jasper said. Ok, I nodded. So what are we gonna do we don't have powers, Travis asked? Well y'all got to fight numnutts, Jasper said. Ight man, don't got to be rude , Craig said laughing . Jasper taught Craig and Travis some new moves. While Annabella taught me about my power. Its not even about what I say it's about energy.

So I want you to try using your powers, make this cup move, Annabella said. Umm ok, I said. I looked at the cup while focusing. It moved. Good job girl,Jasper yelled . Thanks, I said back to him. Try again, Arabella said. I kept trying and it moved each time. Annabella showed me a bunch of tricks. She taught me how to relax my mood. Maybe being a witch won't be so bad. All I know is I want my best friend back.

I think your ready, Annabella  said. Are you sure? What If I get mad and can't control my energy or what if......., I got cut off by Jasper. Chill you'll be fine, Jasper said. Your right I got this, I said. You mean we got this, Travis said. We will get her back,  Annabella said.

Wendy's POV

I woke up in a cage. I know they didn't put me in a cage. I'm not an animal. This is ridiculous. Travis, Penny and Craig need to hurry up and save me. Like I can't do this. My cage was set in a huge room, with yellow walls, a big wardrobe, mini frigerator and a small bed. All this and I'm in a cage wow. The door slowly opened. The cute carmel boy walked slowly to my cage.

Listen, I have stuff to do and I don't want to be here so how long should I be here, I asked? I don't know but your really cute, he said. Umm thank you, I said. He really cute but I have Travis plus this guy is evil. Oh so I can't get a compliment, Milo said with a chuckle. Listen, I have a man and I don't think he be cool with me and you flirting, I said. Well I think your boyfriend will be upset when he can't hold you anymore as his own, he responded. Excuse me, I said with a small attitude. Well you see your in trouble for being with a mortal, he said. My master wants me to kill you but I don't want to, he said. I rather use you, he continued. Use me? For what? I asked with a little anger in my voice. I don't know there's so much I could do with you, he responded. A slave, sex, anything. Your not going to put a hand on me, I growled. Oh your so cute and fearless, I like that, he looked at me with lust.

Milo's POV

I'm not so evil. I might seem that way but I'm not. My master made me act this way. You see he cast a spell on me that I can't reverse. I don't want to be evil. I can't be in love with this spell. I don't have feelings, my heart is sad and cold. I want to change but I can't. The only emotions I have is evilness and lust.

I use to be a normal wizard boy but then my master ruined it. He wanted a son someone he could in print on. So he choose me. I was only 13 years old. I've been in his control for three years. I've been trying to learn from watching him how to reverse his spell but it's no use. I can't figure it out.

Hello, I said answering my phone I was sitting in my chambers. Get down here now, master ordered. I flew to his black castle like domain. So have you killed the girl, he asked? No sir, I answered. Well when will you kill her, he asked? Sir, I don't want to kill her, I said. What, he yelled. It's your job to, he said. I know your not growing emotions, he stated. No sir but I could use her for more such as a slave, I answered. Now your making sense, he answered. Fine, you've been lonely so go a head, he said. Thank, I said leaving his domain. So I guess I got me a slave. Hahaha

Author: So what u think? I need you to comment, it would really help. Oh and if u know a cover maker please let me know, I need one for one of my books. Vote, comment and fan me. Bye y'all!

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