Chapter 13

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                                                           Milo's Pov

           I can't deal

with this; I just want this to be over.

I can't cause any more pain. I want to help. I just don't know how or what. I want to help Penny and Craig. I want to do something, but what.  I feel what? Angered? No. Happy? No. Confused and stress? Yes that's it. What can I do? What can I do?


                                                                Wendy Pov

       Dust everywhere. There's dust in my face. Everywhere I look. It burns my eyes. There infront of me was Milo. "Milo". I pulled a knife out of my pocket and pointed it to his temple. A knife to his neck was placed by Craig.  "Well hi there Milo",I said with a weird grin. Milo looked shocked." Anything you want to say?", Craig asked him looking mad. Milo glared into space. His mouth didn't move. "Maybe we should cut him", I offered the idea. Craig looked at  me strange. He just wanted to scary Milo, but I wanted more.



      Milo seemed distant like something else was on his mind. "Ayy man there's a knife

to your throat focus",Craig said. "Sorry it's just Im not here to fight", Milo said. "What?", I

asked puzzled. "I have

some sad news for you", he said.

"What is it?", Craig asked. "If you tell me Wendy's dead, I will kill you", I said adjusting the knife. "Calm down, I know deserve death, but that's not it", Milo said.

"Spit it out then", Craig yelled. "It's it's T-r-a-v-i-s, he stuttered. "What", Craig and I yelled. "Im sorry, he said looking down. "You did this", I yelled. My knife then cut him lightly. I wanted to do more, but Craig wouldn't allow me. "Stop" Craig yelled. I fell into his arms and cried. The knife fell into the dirt.


                                                                  Milo's Pov

      My heart went out to Penny. Her cries could penetrate your heart before the first tear dropped.  "I want to help", slipped out my mouth. Why would I say that? I can't help. There's no way to. "You killed him, but you want to help", Penny cried. "I promise to you I didn't kill him". "How can we believe that?", Craig said hurt. "Because that would hurt Wendy, and that's the last thing I want", I stated telling the truth. "Haha you act like you love Wendy",Penny said angered. "I do". "What, you don't even know love", Penny growled. "Wendy showed me what love is", I said smiling. "Haha love for you", she laughed. "She doesn't love you". "Who could love a creature with no heart?" "No morals" "Only lust". She yelled. That was it; anger jumped out of me. I yelled in her face. I just wanted to push her with everything in me, but I didn't. I just poofed away, but before I did I said one thing. "I hope your little Wendy will be ok tonight"


         As I got back to the castle my rage was so high. I just wanted to yell. I wanted to release my pain.

That's when a idea crept to my mind. I slowly crept to Wendy's

room. There she was laying sleep in her bed. I slowly grabbed her covers and moved them to see her in her silky pajamas. One bang could release it all. As I pulled my pants down and hers; I prepared to release my pain on her. When I was into place over her hips, her eyes flew open. "Milo", she said shocked.  With that I put her to sleep. I got off of her. I can't do it. Not to her like this.


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