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Hot chocolate is the best thing you can ever home, leave all the expensive chef made creations. Hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and marshmallows is the best.

Huening Kai is an absolute fanatic of the drink, he never drinks coffee not quite liking the bitter taste, he loves sugary treats so the chocolaty drink was his go-to.

He is pleasantly surprised when Yeonjun makes the drink the exact way he likes it, he even adds a few chunks of the nutty chocolate bar to it and Kai's taste buds have a gala at the taste.

It tastes divine, douchebag crush or not the drink was perfection. "This is so good" he exclaims with a grin. "Thanks, I know how to cook and this drink is always the easiest to prepare but also is delicious" He sheepishly grins. "That's amazing" Kai offers him a kind smile.

Earlier Yeonjun followed him into the house and Kai agreed to the date, so he checked on his grandmother who was still asleep, so he sets a voice message in case it gets late and sets her dinner and the medicines just beside her bed so that she doesn't have to get up and walk.

However by the time he is done, the weather changes rapidly and it had started snowing outside and well it just happened so that Yeonjun is now stuck with him, so deciding on being a good host he offers to make him some coffee but Yeonjun surprises him by telling that he wants to make something for Kai.

At first he denies but Yeonjun is insistent and Kai is a weak man when it comes to the blue haired male.

So here they currently sipping on the yummy drink in silence, they watch the snow from inside quietly admiring how the white coats everything in the heaven like appearance, Kai has the heater on, but still he offers a blanket to Yeonjun who has curled into himself. "I always wondered" Yeonjun starts breaking the silence.

"You let me befriend you just like that, now let me into your home and weren't that bothered when I tailed you around. Why did you do that? Do I know you? Have we met earlier? Because I feel like we have" Yeonjun asks quietly and Kai remains quiet for some time before he finally answers.

"I was foolish enough to think that you will remember Yeonjun even if my senses were against it." He let out and Yeonjun looks confused, but doesn't say anything.

"I am sorry, I meet a lot of people and I don't remember most of them. I am sorry" he whispers. Kai lets a bitter smile.

"of course hyung" They both don't say anything further, Kai feels bad for making the other feel guilty but he was angry that the blue head doesn't remember but past is past and Kai was playing a petty game with it.

"Forget it, I am sorry I just was a bit angry and annoyed" He frowns lightly sinking into the couch, "Oh, I must have been a douche then?" Kai laughs but shakes his head.

"A student proposed in my class so yeah, that kind of bummed me a little" He says, hiding the actual reason. "Oh that sucks, yeah I mean you are her teacher so you would have felt awkward" Yeonjun nods.

That isn't the only reason Kai thinks, but he remains quiet. "If you don't mind me asking, You don't live with your parents?" Kai flinches and Yeonjun immediately regrets asking, but before he can take it back Kai replies.

"Nope, my parents passed away in an accident, I have been living with my grandmother ever since. she has to get cataract surgery done before it's too late, so I have been working both in the café and being a music teacher" Words spill faster than light from his lips leaving him surprised along with Yeonjun.

Huening Kai isn't the one to spill his worries out and bother others, he is the one to bottle it up and suppress it. But he is tired of all that and just needs a break so here he is spilling out all his concerns.

Yeonjun takes his hand delicately and gives a tight squeeze, his heart jumps out at that. you know what fuck it. There is no point in denying his feelings now.

He never moved on, loved too deeply and hurt too deeply so without the other knowing or any kind of heart to heart between them, his heart lingers on the foolish hope.

So he takes the opportunity presented and warmly squeezes back and scoots closer to Yeonjun, to lie his head on his shoulder.

He mutters a soft apology but Yeonjun is quick to stop him, telling him it's ok. He even drapes the blanket over both of them and leans his head against Kai's.

"You know you were really important to me, even if I wasn't that you couldn't even remember me" he says and Yeonjun apologizes again but he he shuts it down with a wave.

"And about money, I have an offer if you are willing to take" Yeonjun whispers, "Hm?" Kai prompts.

"So I heard and saw this ad, apparently a small organization is conducting a best couple kinda thing and it's exclusively for the LGBTQ society to promote their equality in Korea and legalize same sex marriages, it's a trustworthy organization I did research" Yeonjun says in a breath and Kai sits up abruptly.

"Before you say anything the prize money is hundred million won and we can split 50-50 and also I am gay, we can pretend to be a couple that is if you are comfortable of course" He finishes in one breath and Kai snorts.

"The last sentence wasn't necessary nor was your sexual orientation" But Kai must admit he is a little surprised, people do change then.

"But it is" Yeonjun whines, I came out in uni and yeah lost a lot of friends, so if you-"

"Chill, I am cool with it and about the offer I'll take it." He says confidently. Kai was feeling bold today, well he has always been the impulsive type, act on the deed first and bliss or regret comes later where he sits and whines about it to Taehyun and Beomgyu.

Sometimes he feels he doesn't deserve them, for being patient and putting up with them.

"You are taking it?" Yeonjun seems surprised, his thick lips are parted slightly, his fox like eyes have widened and the hair covering half his eyes makes him look like a puppy.

Hueningkai lets out a small smile, oh how is he going to ruin Yeonjun in the pretense of a couple. His devilish side surfaces a little when Yeonjun blinks at him still bewildered that he accepted the offer.

He is going to make sure that all Yeonjun remembers is him and him alone after the whole fiasco is over with the money, it's a win-win situation for Kai and never in hell would he leave such an opportunity.

So they sit together that night and fill out the form, the whole time Yeonjun sports a pretty pink blush at the bare minimum Kai does. He can't wait to see when he does start showing his full potential though.

He is going to take his sweet sweet revenge and blue haired is oblivious to the danger he signed up for.

So how's the revenge going to go?😏

There is a drought with TXT fics and I'm- 😭😭😭😭😭
Let me know some good books if you guys know!!
Take care Bonbons!!💙💙

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