Chapter 2 : Survive

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For a few seconds, Jinwoo blinked at the screen in front of him. He tried to touch the screen but his hand simply passed through it.

'Well. It's not a touch screen. So what am I supposed to do? Hmm, maybe I should say it aloud?'


[Confirmed. Extracting the information to the target's mind.]

'Hold on. Extracting to my mind? Does that mea-'

Jinwoo was startled when his mind started receiving a slew of information. At first he was surprised by this sudden influx of data coming out of nowhere.

But soon enough, realisation hit him. And he didn't take it lightly.

God quite literally dropped a bomb on him.

'So I am in a new world inside some tower right now, I can apparently get stronger by using this so-called system and if I climb to the top whatever wish I want will be granted.' He fell backwards onto the ground. After all, it's not everyday that a person gets transmigrated to another world.

(A/N: The system will have some slight changes from the canonical version.)

"Am I hallucinating? Is this a dream or something?" He looked around trying to find any clue that may confirm his suspicions. But the longer he looked around, the more he felt that his doubts were unfounded.

'All of this... It's real. ' He finally got out of denial. 'Too real. I really am in a new world.' He still had a lot of doubts regarding his current status, especially regarding exactly how all of this happened.

'Still , I guess this was a better alternative than me dying back there. If the system is to be believed, I'll have to climb to the top of this tower if I have to get back to earth, which... might take some time. And even if there is some alternate way, I'll STILL have to climb the tower to discover it. *sigh* Looks like there's no other choice.'


You have unread messages.]


[Congratulations! You have now become a Player. (Unread)

Daily Quest: Preparation to be powerful. (Unread)]

'So it does work like a video game. I guess it won't hurt to see what's it about. Open the first message.'

This system will help the 'Player' develop.

Failure to comply with the system's orders may result in a penalty.

You have received a reward. Would you like to verify? (Yes/No) ]

'Maybe I'll get some useful item? Yes. Accept Reward.'

[Secret Quest: Courage of the weak(Completed)

The Great Sorcerer Kandiaru's blessing:
The Great Sorcerer Kandiaru has gifted you a special enchantment. You will live a long and healthy life.

-Temporary buff, 'Will to Recover': Any damages to the body will be restored.
-Permanent buff, 'Longevity': Immunity to diseases, poisons and ailments.
-Regenerative Abilities exponentially increase while asleep. ]

'No item, huh? Still, that explains how I still have my leg attached. Well, time to check the second message.'

[Daily quest: Preparation to be Powerful

Do 100 push-ups: (0/100)
Do 100 sit-ups: (0/100)
Do 100 squats: (0/100)
Run 10 kilometres: (0/10)

-Warning: Failure to complete the daily quest in time will result in a penalty.]

He was about to start the daily quest when he heard a voice far above him. Looking up, he saw something that looked like a floating cube.

"Greetings regulars. We sincerely welcome you to the second floor, also called 'The test floor'. Here we carry out the final test to see if you are worthy of climbing the tower or not."

Jinwoo remembered the information the system provided him earlier. Apparently, to go up the tower he needed to complete certain tests on each floor.

The voice continued, "The rule for the first test is simple. There are 400 regulars here. Reduce that number to 200. Use any means possible. The test ends when exactly 200 regulars are remaining. Ready, begin!"

As if on cue, a message arrived from the system.


[Main Quest: 'Survive'

Pass the test on the second floor.

-Clear condition: Survive till 200 regulars are eliminated
-Clear Reward: Unknown
-Failure Penalty: Death]

'Tch. Guess it'll have to wait.'

Jinwoo started moving through the tall grass, keeping an eye out for any danger. Right now, he was trapped in a place with 399 opponents and he had to make it out of there alive.

In the distance, he could hear it. The sound of cries. The sound of metal clashing. Everyone seemed to have begun fighting.

For a few minutes, nothing eventful happened. He did come across some corpses belonging to the regulars. But he had yet to meet an enemy.

Suddenly an arrow struck his left shoulder, coming out of nowhere.


Jinwoo turned around right in time to notice another arrow coming at him, this time aiming for his face. Luckily, he managed to evade it.

"Not bad. You are quite capable if you could dodge something like that."

The voice came from a tall muscular man who was now casually walking towards him. He was carrying a machete in his hand.

And he was not alone.

Alongside him, there was a small group of other regulars. Each one of them had a cocky grin on their face. From how they have dressed and their mannerisms, they looked to be a group of thugs.

'On what basis are they even selecting regulars?!' Jinwoo thought to himself as he covered his nose. They smelled as if they hadn't taken a bath since the day they were born.


He was surprised to hear the familiar sound.

'A system message? Why now?'

[A harmful substance was detected in your body.]

[Effect of buff 'Longevity' will be activated.]

[3,2,1... Detoxification complete.]

'What the... Is their smell THAT BAD?!'

Then it clicked in his mind.

'The arrow! Of course... I guess I'll play along for a bit longer.'

By this time the tall guy had reached near him. Jinwoo dropped to one knee, pretending to be weakened. His opponent grinned widely on seeing this.

'Looks like the captain's arrow did the trick.'

"What's the matter? Feeling tired? Sorry pal but the arrow that struck you earlier was poisoned. But don't worry. I'll make sure to end it quickly. You won't feel a thing."

He raised his machete upward aiming to end his life with one strike. But he was startled when Jinwoo gave a light chuckle as a response.

"Huh? What's wrong you punk? Did you go crazy?"

He brought the machete downward aiming to cut him down. But Jinwoo turned his body away at the last second to avoid the slash. Without wasting any time he grabbed and twisted the guy's wrist, causing him to drop the weapon.

"The reason is simple. I know something you don't."

Jinwoo gave the guy an uppercut with his free hand, sending him flying. The guy landed a few meters away from him with a large thud. The rest of the goons looked at the guy in shock before turning their attention to the one responsible. Jinwoo meanwhile was spinning the familiar machete with his hand.

"If you are preparing for a hunt..." He stopped spinning his weapon and pointed it at them. "...You should also be prepared to be hunted."

Without wasting a second, Jinwoo rushed at his nearest enemy. The guy was too surprised to react fast enough. With a single slash, he was decapitated.

One of the thugs who had broken out of the initial shock now rushed at him with a sword. He swung wildly but Jinwoo easily evaded each swing. Eventually, the guy got too agitated that he went for a two-handed swing but missed, leaving him wide open.


The rest of them were easy pickings. It was clear that they didn't have much battle experience, compared to Jinwoo who had been through life or death situations multiple times.

Even though he was known as the weakest E-rank hunter, he was in the end still a hunter. There  was a huge gap between himself and normal humans.

[You have levelled up.]

Barely a few minutes passed, and the victor of the fight was already clear.

A pile of bodies were left on the ground, not all of them in good shape. A sole figure stood tall among them.

"Why don't you get up now? We both know you are still alive."

Jinwoo was talking to the tall guy who was taken out of the fight in the beginning. His body which was staying still until that moment twitched. He slowly turned his face around and looked at the figure of Sung Jinwoo who was now staring at him dead in the eye. Quickly scurrying to his knees, he surprised Jinwoo by bowing down before him.

"Please let me live sir! I- I didn't know you were such a strong person. If you leave me alive I'll promise to turn over a new leaf. Please don't kill me!"

The guy was a mess. This startled Jinwoo a little bit. While he was prepared to fight any enemy that came looking for a fight, he didn't exactly feel like killing someone who willingly surrendered. He thought for a few seconds.

"... fine. I'll let you live. Now go. Go before I change my mind."

Jinwoo turned around and started walking away, leaving the guy alone.

But as soon as Jinwoo turned his back on him, the thug's face changed to one of a snarl. Slowly getting up, he took out a small pocket knife and rushed at Jinwoo.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" He tried to stab him in the neck.

Emphasis on 'tried'.


The next second, his hand holding the pocket knife was plopping on the ground like a fish out of water. The hand's owner looked at his removed appendage in shock, then to where it once was.

"I really hoped that you hadn't tried that. Then again, people did always say that I hope for too much sometimes." Jinwoo calmly replied, now holding the machete dyed with blood. His next slash took his head off.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that an arrow was headed his way. He slightly tilted his head, causing the arrow to miss him. But this allowed him to locate his assailant who was perched on a nearby hilltop.

Aiming at the archer, he cocked his arm backwards. Gathering as much strength as he could, he threw the machete.

And he did not miss.

Jinwoo saw the archer fall backwards. He had his doubts on whether he was dead or not. But a familiar sound and the appearance of a holographic window ensured his kill.

[You have levelled up.]

While Jinwoo was satisfied that he survived, there was a tinge of uneasiness in his mind.

'I...killed other humans.'

What surprised him was not the fact that he killed other humans. It was the fact that he didn't feel anything wrong with doing so. But he managed to calm himself.

'It was either kill or be killed. Looks like most of my enemies here won't be monsters like in earth but humans.'

Then he remembered another thing the system told him about.

"Stats window."


[Name: Sung Jinwoo
Level: 3
Class: None
Title: None
HP: 226
MP: 35
Fatigue: 21


Strength: 12
Health: 12
Agility: 12
Intelligence: 12
Sense: 12

Available Stat points : 0]

'My stats probably increased when I levelled up.  But still, only two levels? I guess they really were weak.'

As he began walking, Jinwoo started checking out other features of the system mainly his skills, the shop and his inventory. When he checked his inventory he realised there was an item already in it. A steel sword.

'The steel sword must be...his.' Jinwoo's mood darkened when he remembered the face of one of those traitors who left him for dead in the double dungeon. 'Looks like I'll have to make use with this, for now.' He equipped it.

Moving forward, it didn't take him long to come across others regulars. Unfortunately for him, they weren't there to talk and immediately attacked him on sight. Unfortunately for them, that would end up being there last mistake.

[You have levelled up.]
[You have levelled up.]

Suddenly he felt as if someone was watching him. In a distance, he saw a figure on top of a hill. And just like he had felt, it was observing him.

'Is that... An alligator?'

The Ascension : A New Beginning (Solo Leveling x Tower of God) [ON A HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now