Chapter 21 : The Sunset Showdown

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The sound of metal clashing with metal rang across the area as Sam and Sung engaged in a duel. Delivering consecutive swift slashes, Sam immediately went on the offensive trying to put pressure on his opponent. Jinwoo on the other hand played it defensively, since he wished to see the full capabilities of this potential teammate.

"Come on now... " Sam spoke in the middle of the battle. "Surely this is not the extent of your abilities, are they? "

"..." Jinwoo remained silent as he ducked underneath yet another slash that was aimed at his head. He delivered a swift kick, which was blocked by Sam. However, the impact did sent him skidding back on the ground.

Quickly recovering from the blow, Sam merely smirked and rushed at Jinwoo once more. However, Jinwoo noticed that he was much faster than before.


Almost instantaneously appearing behind Jinwoo, Sam thrusted his katana forward only to get it parried away. This time, it was Sam's turn to get surprised when Jinwoo seemingly teleported behind him and slashed with both his daggers. Sam barely dodged the attack by rolling forward. But just like before, Jinwoo once again appeared next to him and grabbed his right hand.


Before he could speak, Jinwoo tossed him towards a nearby tree. But Sam managed to reposition himself mid-air and landed on its trunk. Without any wasted motion, he quickly sheathed his sword and bounced back at Jinwoo, using the tree as a foothold.

In an instant, Sam closed the distance between himself and his opponent. Then, in a speed that was incomparable to any of his previous attacks, he unsheathed his sword and delivered a powerful diagonal slash empowered by shinsu. Jinwoo arched his body backwards, narrowly avoiding the attack as the energy released by the slash travelled far ahead, slicing any object it came across into two.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." Sam commented, as Jinwoo put some distance between the two. "Ever since I became a regular, there aren't many who managed to avoid that."

"The rumors don't give you enough justice." Jinwoo praised his opponent. "But I can also tell that you still haven't given it your all."

"Hey there pot, name's kettle." Sam shot back, laughingly. "Tell me- What kind of archer uses blades instead of a bow to fight?"

"... I'm surprised you already knew who I was."

"I'd have to be living under a rock to not recognise the famous 'Huntsman of Black' " Sam retorted.

"You... Kind of are living under a rock." Jinwoo deadpanned, looking at the cottage behind him, which was now destroyed thanks to Sam's earlier attack.

"Dont sweat the details." Sam waved it off. "That's enough talk for now. I still have to judge your true worth, so give it your all." He readied himself once again.

"Well, if you are that eager to lose..." Jinwoo smirked under his mask.

"So be it."

[Skill Activated: Blink]

Sam's eyes widened when he saw Jinwoo seemingly disappear, until he sensed his presence a long distance away in the direction of the nearby forest. The process repeated a few more times and each time, he sensed his presence getting further and further away.

'He's going deeper into the woods? Wait. Don't tell me...'

His thoughts were answered when he saw something heading towards him from above at supersonic speed. Sam, however, used his katana to deflect the incoming projectile which fell to the ground, losing its momentum.

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