Chapter 14 : I'm An Irregular

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"... And that sums up everything that happened."

After the second round of the Hide-and-seek test, Lero Ro explained the situation to the other regulars. And it wasn't a stretch to say they were all bewildered by the outcome.

On paper, the second team seemed guaranteed to lose since most of the skilled regulars were on the other team. The only noteworthy regulars in the team to be even mentioned were Endorsi and Hatz. But against all odds, this team came out on top. But the others were more interested in what happened during the test, rather than the outcome.

There was heavy infighting among some of the team members. One regular committed suicide during the test while three were injured.

'This... I was not expecting things to play out like this.' Khun was deep in his thoughts after listening to the events. 'Ho didn't try to kill Rachel? Did he have a change of heart?'

He glanced at Jinwoo, who was talking with Lero Ro.

'Was he the reason why Ho changed his mind? Not that it matters now...'

Leaving the others behind to talk among themselves, he walked away with a destination in mind.

'I should check on Bam.'


"So it was Levin who was behind it all?"

"Yes, Mr. Sung. According to Quant, he had his doubts on whether he'd be able to pass the test. So he went for the easy way out - Eliminate the competition." Lero Ro explained to Jinwoo. "But as you can see, it didn't go as planned for him."

"What about those who were injured?"

"They are being treated by the doctors. Fortunately, the injuries aren't fatal in any way. You will be informed later on when you can meet them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to..." With those final words Lero Ro left the area, planning to have a talk with the director.

'To think climbing one tower would be this troublesome...' Jinwoo inwardly sighed, thinking of the whole hassle.

"Hey, Jinwoo." He was a bit startled when someone called him out from behind. But it was a voice he recognised.

"Shibisu." He turned around and greeted him back. "And Hatz? What's the matter?" It didn't take him long to figure out that they weren't there for idle chitchat, a fact that was made apparent by the seriousness in Shibisu's face- A sharp contrast to his usually easygoing self.

"There's something I need to ask you about. Do you have time to spare?"


<After a while, in the Cafeteria>

"I see. So that's what really happened..."

Both Shibisu and Hatz had a look of understanding on their face. They asked Jinwoo some stuff regarding Ho, particularly his actions and behaviour during the last week of the month. And seeing how everything will be revealed soon eitherway, he told them everything he knew of - The mysterious note, Bam's connection to Michelle, the apparent mastermind and his subsequent death.

"Levin, huh? Not gonna lie, he never really stood out that much among all the regulars here."

"And ironically, that worked in his favour. Since our attention was on Ho, he managed to sneak under our radars."

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