Chapter 7 : The Crown Game - Part III

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"My name is Endorsi. Would you mind sparring for a bit?"

"I don't really have an option now do I?" Jinwoo deadpanned.


"Then why bother asking?"

"Because it's polite." She replied with a smile while attacking with her needle at the same time. Jinwoo managed to block all of her attacks, but he could tell that she wasn't putting her all into it.

'As I thought, she's probably stronger than even Anak. This won't be easy.' He was beginning to sweat a little.

Jinwoo was having a tough time defending against her attacks. He didn't even have time to counterattack. While there was an obvious gap in their strength, another factor was also in play.

While Endorsi was using a long needle to attack, Jinwoo was defending with a dagger. She had a longer reach and therefore could pressure Jinwoo into defending.

'Tch.' He was growing restless.

[Skill Activated: 'Sprint' ]

With the burst in speed, he parried a stab aiming for his gut, closed the distance and swung his dagger. But Endorsi jumped back to avoid it.

She felt a slight stinging sensation on her arm. On observing, she realised that his attack didn't entirely miss. There was a small cut.

'That dagger might be a problem. Where in the tower did he manage to get such a weapon?'

Jinwoo wasted no time and rushed at Endorsi, delivering a horizontal slash. Endorsi jumped over him and delivered a solid kick, which he blocked with one arm. But due to the impact of the attack, he skidded away a little. Endorsi dashed towards him with a punch, to which he responded with a punch of his own. Their fists collided and recoiled.

'Damn it! What the hell is this girl made of?! I think my knuckle is broken...What is she, a tank?!'

Suddenly, Jinwoo felt danger coming from his right side. He leapt away just in time to avoid a large cleaver from cutting him in half.

'What the?!'

It was a hooded figure that attacked him. Not only that, but it was also wearing the same type of cloak that Endorsi wore.

"Hey! What's the big deal? I told you not to interfere!!" Endorsi shouted at the figure.

"Grrr.." The figure simply growled and removed its hood, revealing a red-skinned hulking figure with long black hair. It also wore some kind of helmet that covered most of his face, except his nose and mouth.

As if on cue, another figure appeared out of nowhere and attacked Endorsi. This one appeared to be a girl wearing a skin-tight black suit and a jewelled mask and wielded a long golden staff.

"Fine! I'll deal with you first!" Endorsi got ticked off and started attacking the girl.

Jinwoo focused on his own opponent and started attacking him with his dagger. His opponent despite his large size was surprisingly agile and evaded his attacks almost effortlessly. Jinwoo tried hitting him with his left fist but he caught it. With a light chuckle, he raised his cleaver and brought it down directly at Jinwoo. But he twisted his body and barely avoided it.

While the cleaver was lodged on the ground, his opponent still didn't let go of Jinwoo's left arm. Focusing his strength on his legs, Jinwoo leapt from his position and delivered a right knee to his opponent's skull, momentarily dazing him. This also allowed him to free his left arm from his grasp.

"Jinwoo! Duck!!" A voice shouted at him.

He moved right on time to see a large blast of Shinsu hitting his opponent. Looking back, he saw it was Lauroe who attacked the guy, and Ho who had warned him. He nodded at them.

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