Chapter 19 : I Level Up Alone (Season Finale)

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<Director's Office>

"He did what?!"

To say Yu Hansung was shocked would be an understatement. But no one could blame him for reacting like that. After all, it's not every day one hears the news that a regular on the test floor killed a high ranker.

He almost didn't believe it at first. That's how absurd the news was. But seeing that it was verified by Ha Jinsung himself, he knew it couldn't be a lie.

"I was surprised too, you know." Jinsung remarked, lighting a cigarette. "But then again, he is an irregular. When you take that into consideration, it doesn't sound as impossible as it seemed."

"I know, but still..." He let out a heavy sigh.

"Well, think of it as you like. I am going outside for a bit." Jinsung seemingly vanished from his spot in an instant, leaving Hansung behind to deal with the news.

'Was he hiding his strength this whole time?' Hansung began analysing the information he already had, trying to formulate a new plan to deal with this variable. 'No, that couldn't be it. But then...does that mean he got this strong within this short span of time?'

'Having someone of his caliber on our side...' He could already see it in his mind- The birth of a new Slayer. 'But for that, I will have to play my cards carefully.'

"Looks like you've got a lot on your mind right now, Hansung." He was startled when someone called him out. Turning around, he was surprised to see someone he was not expecting at the moment.

"Headon? What brings you here?"

"There is something important that I have to tell you about." Headon said in a serious tone.

"And its something that could potentially turn the entire tower upside down."

<Test Arena>

Currently, all of the regulars who had taken the test were making their way towards the net dolphin queen. Their plan to make the striped earth pigs and the barnacle goblins fight each other had succeeded. Now, all that remained was for Bam and Rachel to exit out of the queen's body.

Since they were underground, it took the trio of Jinwoo, Endorsi and Anak a bit longer to reach the position of the queen. By the time they did, everyone else had already gathered at the spot.

"Hey! Looks like you guys made it." Shibisu greeted them upon their arrival. "Those two have been rearing to come and help you underground. I wasn't sure how much longer I could convince them to remain here." He pointed at Rak and Hatz who were resting near a rock.

"Wait. So you didn't tell them about..." Jinwoo trailed off.

"Of course not. It's -" He paused when he realised Anak and Endorsi were still there.

"Don't worry. They already know." Jinwoo realised his concern.

"Okay. As I was saying, it's already a big deal to have one irregular among us, let alone two. Plus, I think it would be better if they were to hear it directly from you."

"That being said..." Shibisu's gaze fell on the two Princesses who were looking rather zoned out. "What happened to those two?"

"Oh, them? They are just a little upset that the Green April and Black March got taken away by their sister."

"You literally gave one of them away." Endorsi deadpanned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should have tested my luck by fighting a third ranker on the same day." Jinwoo scoffed.

The Ascension : A New Beginning (Solo Leveling x Tower of God) [ON A HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now