Chapter 27 : Bigger Fish

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"Hohoho, that's something you don't see everyday..."

Armaas, the examiner for the Workshop's test, was in a happy mood. A wide grin was plastered on his face and his eyes were fixated on the monitor in front of him, which showed a video of a particular regular in the test riding one of the mechanical golems that were prepared for the test, while another two golems followed him.

"If you don't mind me asking, Sir." The spiky black-haired man who was in the same room asked him. "What's so great about that? Don't all Lightbearers learn the basics of hacking in the lower floors?"

"Tsk tsk. You simply don't get it, Mr. Taeshik." Armaas shook his head. "Let's say you were standing in the middle of a road when an enormous truck came rushing towards you at full speed. What would your reaction be?"

"I would punch it and send it flying."

"Yes, you would of course dodge- Wait, what?" Armaas stared at him.

"I wouldn't be a Ranker if I couldn't even do that much. Why? Am I wrong?" Taeshik tilted his head in confusion.

'Right. I should have been more specific.' Armaas realised his error in wording. "Well, let's say it was from before the time you were even a regular. What about then? What would your reaction be?"

"Hmm. From the time before I was a regular, huh?" Taeshik scratched his chin. "Well, I am pretty confident I can take a hit from an ordinary truck. I mean, I am from the Ha family after all."

"I-" Armaas was at a loss for words. All he was trying to do was to form an analogy, and he certainly wasn't expecting to get a headache from trying to do so. 'Isn't there a single person from the Ha family who isn't a bull-headed brute?'

"And what if you were an ordinary human from the tower? What would you do then?"

"An ordinary human?" Taeshik hummed in thought. "I'd probably try to get out of the way."

"Yes... Thank you." Armaas was relieved. "Getting back on the topic, those are the two basic instincts a human feels when they come across a threat - A fight or flight response. And throughout this test, that's what we've witnessed - The powerful regulars taking the golems out with ease, while the weaker ones trying to avoid them. All except for him." He pointed at Len.

"Hacking an enemy unit in the middle of combat - It's not a plan anyone could come up with. And even fewer have the guts to go ahead with that plan and the competence to succeed in it. Of course, we didn't put countermeasures since we didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to try that. But regardless... " Armaas leaned back on his chair, fingers steepled. "That kind of thinking is what we - The Workshop - needs."

"Wait..." Taeshik looked towards him. "Sir, are you telling me that's the entire reason this test is being conducted? To find potential recruits?"

"And here I was assured you were all brawn and no brain. Quite intuitive, Mr. Taeshik." Armaas chuckled. "Although not quite accurate. The test is being conducted for an entirely different reason. What we are doing is simple side quest stuff. The main quest is something entirely different."

"... And I'm guessing you won't be telling me that reason?"

"Once again, quite intuitive of- Hmm?" His attention was then brought to a monitor on the side. "It looks like something interesting is about to happen in Sector A."


For Jinwoo, the test so far wasn't anything noteworthy. Sure, it was a bit more difficult compared to the usual floor tests he had seen so far in the tower... Or at least that would have been the case, for a normal regular. But at the level he was right now, the difference in difficulty was insignificant.

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