Chapter 13 : Truth And Lies

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(A/N: Sorry about the delay. I had to redo the draft all over again since it looked... terrible in the end.)

"Come out. I know you are there." Ho called out, taking out a hidden knife at the same time. For a few seconds, there was no response. But then...


The sound of footsteps echoed through the area. Ho tightened his grip on the knife as the footsteps started getting closer. Soon, a figure emerged from the shadows. Both Ho and Michelle were surprised on seeing who it was.

"What is the meaning of this... Levin?" Ho was quite furious on seeing the apparent perpetrator who tried to manipulate him. It was another one of the light bearers in their team. But what stood out the most about him was his weapon of choice. A rifle.

"Looks like you do know how to operate that thing on top of your shoulders, Ho." Levin sighed. "I was hoping you would eliminate her and reduce some of my problems."

'And I almost fell for it too...' Ho thought to himself. 'If it weren't for...'

*Two Days Ago*

"Is this some kind of joke?"

Jinwoo was holding a paper slip on his hand. Earlier Ho had called him through his pocket, telling him there was something important he should know about. Upon meeting, he revealed to Jinwoo that he had gotten a memo revealing that if he were to kill Michelle, Bam would stop climbing the tower and that would mean he could easily pass the next test.

"So I am assuming this is the reason we had that conversation a few days ago?" Jinwoo asked him. Ho simply nodded.

"Ho, were you so desperate that you don't think this is suspicious at all?" Jinwoo berated him. "Just think about it. We don't even know what or how the position test will be. And even if it will be team-based, we have no idea on how we will be sorted. So, who do you think has a high chance to have sent you this memo?"

"... Someone who knows exactly what the test will be? But wait. That would mean... "

"My thoughts exactly. It's someone who runs the tests on this floor. Or, it could also be that this info was stolen or leaked on purpose. Either way, chances are someone wanted Michelle dead and planned for you to be the scapegoat." Jinwoo explained.

*End of Flashback*

'But still, something seems off. How could Levin have stolen the information from rankers?' Ho still had some doubts on his mind.

"Why? Why do you wish to kill me? I don't remember doing anything wrong to you." Michelle asked him.

"Nothing personal. It's just that, as long as you are on this team my chances of passing this test are low. And therefore..." He pulled out his rifle and aimed directly at her. "... You need to die."

"... Do you really think you can beat the both of us with just a gun?" Ho asked him, while slowly gathering shinsu in his free hand.

"There are other ways to get the job done." Levin quickly changed the target and aimed at the ceiling of the cavern. "You see, recently I got my hands on some rare kinds of bullets. Instead of piercing the target, they explode after firing. I am sure you understand what will happen if I fire this at the ceiling, don't you?"

Ho's eyes widened when he realised what he was trying to do."Are you crazy?! If the ceiling collapses, you'll get caught in it as well!"

"Right now, all I need to do is to get the job done. I have survived through worse." Levin said in a calm voice. But it was the next words he spoke that caught Ho off guard.

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