Chapter 10 : The Game Is Afoot

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Fisherman Training Arena


The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the arena. Jinwoo and Anak had entered a fight with each other. Needle clashed against needle as the two jumped from one platform to another.

Pretty much everyone was looking at the fight with keen interest. It's not every day one gets to see a fight where an unknown regular is holding his own against a princess of Jahad.

Anak went for a stabbing attack with the needle. But Jinwoo easily parried it and slashed her. Anak however, jumped back to evade the attack.

'What is going on?! He wasn't this strong during the crown game. Did he really get this strong within the span of three weeks? Or was he holding back earlier?' She was very much confused.

And this feeling was shared by the second princess in the arena.

'This guy... It looks like I underestimated him.'

Jinwoo didn't give Anak a chance to breathe as he rushed and tried slashing her again. Anak tilted her head back to avoid it, but the attack did leave a tiny scratch on her left cheek. But he didn't stop the attack there.

Using the momentum, he leapt and delivered a powerful kick, which she managed to block. The force behind the attack pushed her away and she almost fell from the platform. But she managed to backflip onto another platform to avoid elimination.

For a second it looked as if her rage was about to explode if it hadn't already. But then, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked at Jinwoo with a calm expression.

"I'll admit, Sung Jinwoo. You are strong." Pausing for a bit, she continued. "But there is one thing you should know..."

At this moment, Jinwoo sensed a change in the shinsu surrounding Anak. And it only grew with time.

'Wait. Is she using...' He was a little bit surprised by the turn of events.

Deco, the ranker overseeing the match, also had a look of realisation.

'Oh? She already mastered 'that'? Then again, that's to be expected from a princess of Jahad.'

"You see, Jinwoo..." Now she spotted a grin on her face."... I wasn't going all out before."

"I am surprised you've already mastered how to use Shinsu Boost." Jinwoo commented. "It has only been two days since our instructor taught us that."

"But there seems to be a misunderstanding, Anak Jahad."

At first, the people around were a bit confused by what he meant. But that confusion turned to realisation when the shinsu started flowing irregularly around him as well.

Seeing the surprised look on their faces, he smiled.

"You are not the only one who can do that."


[Skill activated: Shinsu Boost]

[Active Skill: Shinsu Boost
MP Cost: 20(+5 per minute)
Level: 1

Boosts all stats by 10%]

Anak leapt into the air and brought down a powerful kick at Jinwoo.

'Let's check how your shinsu boost is compared to mine.' He met the kick with a punch. Both of them recoiled from the impact.

'Almost even, huh?' Both of them had the same thought in mind. 'In that case...'

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