- Chapter 27 -

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A door slamming shut, the sound of wobbled footsteps and giggles wakes me up from my dream. On this rare occasion it was a dream I considered pleasant, very unrealistic but definitely pleasant. I hear Eden shush Jocelyn before one of their bedroom doors slams shut. I can't help but let out a laugh at their failed attempt of coming home quietly. But, I'm glad to know they're home safe and presumably had a good night.

I head straight into the kitchen and fill two glasses with water then tiptoe towards the first bedroom in the corridor. Using my side to open the door, I stand in the doorway of Jocelyn's room to take in the sight in front of me. Eden is laying on her back with her arms stretched out at her side, one resting across Jocelyn back as Jocelyn lays asleep on her stomach. I try to contain my laugh without using my hands that are still holding the glasses of water. Luckily for me, they are too drunk to hear me. I put a glass of water on both sides of the bed on the floor, so that they can reach for it in the night.

Readjusting myself back into bed, I grab my phone and I'm greeted by a text message.

Unknown Number: Goodnight beautiful.

A smile breaks out across my face and my hands react quicker than it has ever done before to unlock my phone. The message was sent an hour ago, around the same time Cole left. After starting over for the millionth time we laid down on my bed, talking. We talked for about an hour before he left as I was beginning to get tired. Although I wasn't ready for him to leave or for our time together to end, he was right, I was tired. Cole insisted that I get into bed and he would show himself out but I felt too bad. I managed to pucker up enough energy in me to walk him to the door. We wished each other good night and he kissed my forehead before turning to head down the stairs. I must have crashed onto the bed and fallen asleep before he sent this message. It's nearly four in the morning. I don't expect him to be awake but I should reply. I wonder who gave him my number, it was probably Jocelyn which I'm not mad about, I am more relieved I finally have a way to contact him directly. I save him in my contact then reply.

Me: Good night.

I leave it at that. The urge to write more, maybe even thank him for coming over is making my fingers twitch. My thumbs stay hovered over the screen as I contemplate on whether to add more. He did text beautiful. So, it would be really cold-hearted of me if I didn't add something to my dry as ever text message. My thumbs freeze in place, mid text when the tick turns blue. He read it. Shit. I need to add something now.

Me: I had fun.

Well, that wasn't much of an improvement but it's all I could think of.

Cole: Me too.

OK, this is good. He had fun. Should I send something back?

Cole: Are you free tomorrow?

YES. Yes, thousand times over, yes. I begin to type out my answer and stop, I'm not. Dammit. I have Brody's sister wedding tomorrow.

Me: I have a wedding tomorrow. Are you free Sunday?

Cole: I am.

I should ask him to meet for a coffee, that's chilled. Does Cole even drink coffee or hot drinks? Another text flashes on my screen.

Cole: I want you for the day.

Well, I'm glad he has taken the lead with this. I start to make funny faces, puckering my lips and lifting my brows to get rid of the ache on my face caused by my gigantic smile.

Me: Ok, See you Sunday.

Cole: I'll be at yours for ten.

I lock my phone, set my many alarms and fall back into sleep.

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