Chapter 21: Promise

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A/N: Hello hello dear readers! Apologies about the delay in posting - university has begun again so I've been a bit busy with that. Happy reading! 

- Rain


Arnav lets out a sigh, smiling. The thought of his dear cousin now married makes him remember how he used to tease her when she was little, how they spent days playing under the sun and eating chocolate ice cream. Now, years later, she is a married woman, all set to begin a brand new chapter of her life. He smiles again, knowing that Kunaal will take care of Aashna with all his heart.

The bartender clears the counter and files away clinking glasses, the lawn now empty as everyone has retired to their rooms to get a full night's sleep for the wedding reception tomorrow. His eyes search here and there, wondering where she is. He has a feeling that tonight may be the night, the night when he finally asks her. He reaches into his pocket for the velvet box when suddenly, he feels a tight shove on his shoulder.

"You fucking bastard,"

Arnav's eyebrows knit in confusion at the vile curse thrown at him, regaining his composure to look at the accuser. From the first glance he is able to decipher that this man is uncontrollably drunk, his feet swaying in imbalance.

"Who are you?" Arnav asks, trying to seem calm.

"Why'd you sleep with her?" Dev demands, completely avoiding his question.

This time the blood boils within Arnav, his jaw hardening.

"Why don't you mind your own, alright?" He says, when another shove comes his way.

"I know people like you, bringing a woman in your bed for your own damn pleasure. Leave Khushi alone," Dev grits, the rims of his eyes a striking red from the alcohol in his veins.

Arnav removes Dev's hand from his collar, pushing it aside.

"Listen. I don't care who the hell you are or who you think you are, don't try to make something out of what you don't know," He responds, masking his rising fury to keep himself from planting a fist flat on this drunkard's face.

"I know everything! I know it! Khushi's MINE, MINE YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Dev yells, running a hand through his unruly hair.

And with that statement, Arnav's resolve breaks.

"You want to know the truth?" Arnav says, walking to stand directly in front of him, "Khushi and I went to college together. We've known each for years and you know what? I LOVE HER. I loved her then and I love her now. So why don't you back off and quit this,"

The emotions in Dev's eyes flit from disbelief to anger and finally frustration, taken aback by the revelation.

"She can't love you. She can't," He faces denial, wildly shaking his head.

"I do! I love Arnav!"

Dev turns around only to face Khushi who now stands a few feet away from them, her gaze shifting from him to Arnav.

The half empty bottle of whiskey loosens from his grip before Dev flings it to the ground, shattering the glass to pieces. His shoulders slump, defeated, looking at Khushi in helpless longing. When he finds no point of requite he takes a last look at Arnav's resolute face and then walks away, disappearing around the bend.

In a matter of mere moments he feels Khushi run into his arms, holding onto him as she cries. The surge of happiness that fills him manages to outweigh the fury he had felt before as he wraps his arms around her, burying his face in the nape of her neck. Khushi breaths him in, thanking her stars for bringing him back to her when she thought she had lost him in the path of life. She remember's her Jiji's words and repeats what she had confessed earlier, wanting him to know.

"I do... I love you, Arnav,"

He opens his eyes at the sound of her voice reaching his ears like a melody, letting go to hold her face in his hands. Stroking her cheek he takes her lips in a much awaited kiss, pulling her closer as if to assure that this is indeed reality and not one of his countless dreams. She really is here, in his arms. His to call, his to love.

"I love you... I love you so much..." He mumbles in between kisses, when Khushi suddenly stiffens.

Arnav watches in confusion as she slowly backs away from his warmth, her features unreadable.

"What's wrong, Khushi?" He asks, aching to feel her again.

Her gaze lowers before she meets the storm in his umber eyes, "Now what, Arnav? We're back where we were fourteen years ago,"

The statement reminds them both of the obstacles before them, the obstacles that had led to separation in the past.

But not anymore.

"Now... Now is the time for me to do this,"

His hand reaches into his pocket and with his eyes locked into hers, he slowly kneels before her. Khushi takes in a sharp breath as she realizes what is about to happen, her heart soaring.

"Fourteen years ago, I was broken. I was just a boy, trying to find a way to cope with my father's death, trying to weave dreams of success to keep Maa happy. You walked into my life like a summer breeze, Khushi. I didn't know when, or how, but I was drawn to you before I even admitted it to myself. I was just a boy, Khushi, but I fell in love. I fell in love with your smile that brightened my cloudy days, I fell in love with your eyes that held promise. I fell in love with the way you built me to be the man I am, I fell in love with the way you helped me find myself,"

Arnav pauses to collect his thoughts and put them into words, unable to look away from her face.

"When you left, I was left broken once again. I found myself putting everything I had into my work, into my father's dream. Not a single day went by when I didn't think of you. Little did I know, fate had other plans,"

They share a tearful smile at that.

"Now that I'm here with you, there's only one thing I know. I can't let you go this time, Khushi. I want you in my life, every day, for as long as I live. I want to build a home, a family with you. And it's not too late, it's never too late,"

She wipes the flowing tears as he opens the red, velvet box to reveal a beautiful, sparkling ring inside.

"Khushi, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?"

She kneels down in front of him and kisses him right then, his lips tasting salt. Pulling away with a smile she nods, uttering the answer that'll change their lives.

"Yes. A million times yes,"

He places the ring in its rightful place, the ring finger of her left hand dazzling with the tangible proof of their love.

"We'll solve whatever comes our way. I'll talk to your parents as soon as possible. We'll work this out, okay?"

She nods, brushing aside the grey strands that fall to his forehead before kissing him softly.

The two stay locked in an embrace on the ground, finally at home.


A/N: It happened! Waiting to hear your thoughts :)

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