Chapter 6: Dawn

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A snap in front of his entranced face and he blinks twice, glancing down in sudden consciousness. Lavanya's eyes had followed his trail of sight, smiling knowingly at the subject of his admiration, who was laughing with a friend a few yards away, representing, as always, exactly what her name denotes – happiness.

"What's going on, Raizada?" She asks, well aware of the answer.

"What do you mean?"

"I've known you since we were tiny freshmen in high school. You think you can fool me?" Lavanya sighs, tilting her head.

Arnav looks away from her, quietly staring at his feet, his adrift gaze answering her question.

"You really like her, don't you?" It was rather a statement, said after a few moments of silence.

He looks to her again, nodding slightly in an affirmative.

"I've never seen you like this, you know," She continues.

"Like how?" Asks Arnav, confused by what she means.

"Like this, pensive, quiet, staring at someone with the expression of a modern day Romeo,"

He can't help but laugh, realizing that she was right. He hadn't noticed these changes in himself until she had pointed them out but now that he does, it feels right, like something he had been in search of is finally embracing him.

Lavanya tries to read him, a part of her concerned for her friend. She knew him, knew how, behind his visage of every smile, beyond the selflessly kind nature was a mountain of pain, fragile enough to shatter at heartbreak.

"I'll see you later." He walks away, leaving behind a thoughtful Lavanya.

She peeks out the window in her dorm room that outlooks a lone road, the light of day brightening the serene surroundings, a disparity from the storm in her mind. California had taken its usual form once again, spattering warmth wherever it touched. It had bid farewell to the unexpected downpour of the evening before, but she had not.

Or rather, she could not.

She was stuck in that rainy evening, in that moment of truth she so longs to give her entirety to.

Then what was she fearing? Of unsung outcomes, of uncertainty, of heartbreak.

And yet, she feels a pull she cannot deny. Of yearning, of hope, of the first ray of a dawn.

She does not know what is to come, now that there is a definite cognizance shared; one that she had dreams of the night before, curling to her pillow at the remembrance of his touch.

The knock on her door takes Khushi out of her thoughts, and she quickly throws her hair in a loose bun before walking over to open it.

Arnav's gaze softens at the sight before him, smiling at her startled face. He took his time to take her, all of her in. Her hair is up in a bun, curlier than usual, a few tendrils slipping out to grace her skin. Much to his endearment, she is wearing glasses, the big frames giving her an effortless, laid back look. His only complaint with them, though, would be how they hid the sparkle in eyes of hazel.


Her lips part as she stands dumbfounded for long seconds, partly because of her hammering heart, partly because of the way he is staring at her so intently.

"Hi..." She says at last, her voice just above a whisper.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh yeah, of course! Sorry," Her nose scrunches in embarrassment, closing the door behind her after he walks in.

They face each other, the memories of last evening rushing back to them simultaneously. He brushes his hair back with one hand, looking down as the feel of her lips against his comes as a vivid recollection.

Gazing at the man standing right in front of her now, amongst all the possible emotions, Khushi feels confused. She abruptly becomes aware of her appearance, regretting not wearing something nicer. Her faded purple t-shirt and plain grey leggings don't quite make her feel pretty enough, and she tugs at her shirt consciously. For a girl who never cared about looks, she suddenly wishes she could get rid of her hideously rimmed glasses.

And so, she feels confused. Confused at how a man like him, is now staring at her as if she is wearing a gown of gold, rather than the frayed clothes she is in right now. His hair, like always, is not neatly combed, creating messy waves that fall perfectly on his forehead. Eyes of umber captivate her while his week old stubble makes her want to graze her fingers across his lips. He looks like a prince, straight out of a fairytale while she, an unsuitable pauper.

"You're beautiful,"

Khushi gapes at him, blinking to fully register his words. It was as if he had somehow heard her thoughts, contradicting them in ways she had only imagined before. She was just about to deny his statement when he speaks again.

"You wear glasses?"

"Yeah... I usually wear contacts but I came back from class early so I switched to my glasses," She replies, pushing the brown frame up her nose.

They make you look so cute I want to kiss you again, he wants to say, but refrains.

"They look nice,"

Once again she finds herself astonished, facing him as color rises to her cheeks.

"Thank you,"

He glances at her desk that is piled with books and notebooks, along with various sketches on loose paper. It reminds him of the very first time he had seen her, the very first moment she had his heart. He walks over to the disordered papers, lifting them one by one, awestruck at the magic in her strokes.

"These are amazing..." He whispers, looking over his shoulders to smile at her.

She smiles back gratefully, walking to stand beside him. Her eyes round when she sees a certain paper half hanging at the corner of her desk, one he had not seen yet. It was a sketch of a certain pair of eyes, and if he saw it, he would be looking into his own reflection. She quickly goes over and hides the paper behind her, trying to act as casual as possible.

"What are you hiding?" Arnav asks, noticing her hasty movements.

"Nothing!" She says, much to his amusement.

He decides not to ask further, sensing her hesitation. Instead, Arnav walks towards her until he is standing an inch away, the smile on his face fading as his gaze fixates on her. His right hand comes up and strokes her cheek, watching as her eyes flutter close in anticipation.

"I might kiss you again,"

The honest declaration leaves her flushed, her grip on the paper loosening as it falls to the floor.

"I might forget to breathe," She softly confesses, earning a slight smile from Arnav.

He wraps his arm around her waist, a touch that has now become familiar to him, pulling her close enough to hear her racing heart.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen,"

Before she could say a word more, he places his lips on hers for the second time, tightening his hold on her, as her hands come up to rest on his chest. Her fingers rise to faintly graze the side of his neck, and he can't help but let out a sigh into her mouth. They come apart for air just before all self control is about to slip away, breathing heavily.

"I should get going," He says a few moments later, letting her go.

Khushi nods, still light headed from seconds ago. She watches him walk towards the door when he turns around, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Up for another coffee this evening?"

"I'd love that." She replies, grinning.


A/N: A smaller chapter so the next one will be up soon! Please let me know what you think, keep the comments coming! Silent readers - would love to hear from you :)  

- Rain

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