Chapter 2: Introspective

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Sitting on the bed of her dorm room, she stares blankly at her laptop screen, her mind replaying the events from a few hours ago.

Before her helpless heart could argue with her rigid brain, her feet led her away and she found herself struggling to stop from looking back.

Even now as she is typing paragraphs for her research paper, the words keep disappearing while a face keeps appearing on her screen, distracting her train of thought. She silently curses her own mind that has been playing games with her, making her think back to things she could not afford to think about, making her remember a face she could not help but think about.

Khushi audibly sighs as she closes her laptop and puts it aside.

"What is wrong with me?"

There must be some kind of explanation for the occurrences of the past two weeks...

But what?

What could be the reason behind her hammering heartbeats at the mere sight of him? Clammy palms, abstracted thoughts, hitched breaths, a dazed mind... Her hand shivers when the feel of his touch on her skin from earlier that day comes as a memory to her.

Faint, yet vivid.

She had felt the graze of his thumb on her hand, noticing how it did not feel accidental at all. She had also seen the way he looked at her and it made her feel an array of emotions which for the first time, left her overwhelmed.

Until two weeks ago, she was just a student here with nothing to call a social life and a close to obscure identity – all because she chose to keep it that way. But now, it feels like a part of that control is slipping away from her, her brain and heart being in a close grapple for days. She remembers why she likes the sense of freedom ambiguity gives her. It gives her a chance to be with herself, away from the prying questions and the double standards of society. She secretly revels in her newfound independence but there is always a part of her that misses her old life, especially now, since she is miles away from home.


She picks up her phone and dialls, impatiently listening to the ringing on the other line.

"Khushi? Beta I was just thinking of calling you,"

"I read your mind then, Mamma," She says, a small smile creeping up her lips.

"You always do. How was your day? Are you alright? Did you eat yet?"

"Uff, when will you stop worrying about me? I'm perfectly alright, no need to worry,"

Her mother lets out a sigh.

"How can I not beta, when you are on the side of the world? But you are right, I know you are capable enough Khushi. I trust that you will never let us down,"

Khushi hears her mother's voice break a little, realizing she is not just talking about her eating habits anymore. Her eyes moisten and she pauses for a while before speaking.

"Exactly, Mamma. I will never let you or Papa down. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He is at the bazaar beta..."

"Send him my love,"

"I will,"

Khushi wipes a lone tear off of her left cheek.

"I should go now, I have a paper to finish. Love you Mamma."

"Accha I'll talk to you soon, take care of yourself. I love you too beta."

She cut the call, staring at her phone for a few moments.

A paper to finish... and a party to attend.

Her eyes close involuntarily and the image of him with Lavanya keeps flashing in her head. Eyebrows furrowed, she shoves the image away, confused at why it bothered her.

Then she remembers how she walked away from him without the minimal courtesy of a goodbye. He had probably thought of her as a rude, ignorant brat who wasn't interested in the slightest bit of conversation, but she was simply avoiding him for completely different reasons. Truth is, she still doesn't exactly know why, except for the fact that his touch made her melt while his eyes made her long for things unknown. Shaking her head, she suddenly feels silly.

Who was he to her anyway?

She looks at the clock hanging on the pastel blue walls of her dorm room. 9:05pm. Lavanya had called to tell her that parties here start way later than usual, so she decides it must have started by now.

Her first party in college and she had no idea what to expect.

Sliding the closet doors open she contemplates her choices, stuck between two of the five dresses she had brought along with her. She had always been one to wear simple, comfortable clothing that required minimum effort and was never the type to go to clubs or glamorous events, hence the lack of short dresses and party wear. Giving it a good thought, she finally makes a decision and puts the chosen dress on before patiently combing her long locks, the stubborn strands relentlessly getting tangled within the bristles of the brush. After an outlining coat of kohl on the delicate waterline of her eyes and a swipe of light pink lip balm, she is ready to face what the night has to offer.

There was no confusion in regards to finding Lavanya's house considering there were about eight cars parked by a particularly well-lit, sizable structure. The main door was open, revealing a relatively crowded inside accompanied with muffled hollers and laughter.

Khushi now stands a few feet away from the entrance, calming the sudden burst of nerves coursing through her body. Taking a deep breath, she straightens her dress and walks up Lavanya's driveway in her cream colored flats, stopping just for a moment before entering.

She thinks about who else is supposed to be here tonight and her heartbeats fasten on their own accord, visualizing the pair of molten brown eyes that always seem to follow her every move.

The sound of a true party is much more clear now, her eardrums briefly buzzing as she gets accustomed to the carefree hubbub. She stands there, looking for Lavanya, when her eyes catch a sight she might have well never seen.

Blood rushes to her veins as her eyes land on him.

It was Arnav.

And in his arms, was another girl.


A/N: Thoughts?! Let me know! -Rain

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