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"Y/n wait up!"

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"Y/n wait up!"

Mitsuya beamed. He watched Y/n run off into the flower field.

She turned around and smiled at him. His heart swelled.

She spun in a full circle. The floral dress she wore matched the flowers around her ankles. And as she spun it was as if she herself turned into those beautiful flowers.

"I love you." Mitsuya spoke what was inside his heart.

Y/s stopped spinning and just smiled at him. He moved closer to her but she took a step back. He shook his head playfully.

Y/n gave him a large smile, showing her teeth. He flinched when she turned away from him.

"Hey hold up." He spoke quietly.

Y/n started to run further into the flower fields.

Something inside his chest twisted.

"Y/n stop running!"

He called out, fear evident on his face.

He started to chase after her. But no matter how close he got she seemed to be thousands of feet away from him.

"Y/N!" He screamed.

His hand was extended outward trying to reach for her.

Somehow the flower field they were originally running vanished into darkness. It was like a never ending tunnel.

He called out her name one more time and she actually stopped. He ran at a faster pace and caught her shoulder.

He relaxed his shoulders. Taking in a deep breath Mitsuya pulled her into his body. Holding her tight.

"Don't leave me okay?" He spoke in a tender voice.

She didn't respond. He pinched his brows together. Something didn't feel right.

He blinked and she was out of his arms. He spun around like a mad man, trying to find her.

A strong wind blew past him. He used his arm to cover his eyes. When he pulled his away his eyes widened.


Laying in a dark puddle under a bright light was Y/n. Mitsuya gasped aloud. He ran as fast as he could towards her. Sliding on his knees as soon as he got closer to her unconscious body. He scooped her into his arms.

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