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It's the day

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It's the day.

Finally the day.

Everyone was running around getting ready to leave.

The couple spent the night apart to drive to the mountains separately. Although it did take some convincing for the groom.

Emma, Hina, and Yuzuha stayed at the house with Y/n. 

They were currently running around like chickens who lost their heads. Making sure they had everything packed and ready to go.

Emma was in charge of Y/n's hair. Hina was in charge of her make up. While Yuzuha was in charge of helping Y/n dress into her wedding gown.

"You guys I can help too-"

"NO!" The three of them yelled at Y/n.

Luna and Mana sat beside their future sister-in-law.

"A bride shouldn't have to lift a finger on her wedding day." Mana smiled proudly.

"Exactly. If Taka heard you were running around stressed out on your wedding day he'd punish you." Luna crossed her arms and nodded.

"Punish me?" Y/n held back her laugh.

Luna's face heated up, "That's not what I meant!" She shouted.

Y/n apologized for teasing the younger girl. Her eyes noticed the house was starting to get in shambles so she stood up to clean the mess.

"Whoa!" Y/n yelped when she was yanked backwards.

Luna and Mana had pulled her hands to keep her on the sofa.

"Let us!" Luna smiled.

"Yeah! Y/n big sis just sit there and look pretty!" Mana got to her feet.

Y/n pouted and sat back down on her sofa. She watched her friends frantically discuss wedding things and the two younger Mitsuya girls picked up her house for her.

"Did you grab our dresses from Takashi's studio?" Yuzuha pointed at Emma.

"Not yet! Hina said she still wants to steam them first!" Emma shot back and pointed at Hina.

"Yes. Also before we leave we need to stop at the florist to grab her bouquet! Did you remind Hakkai to grab the men's boutonnieres?" Hina turned to point at Yuzuha.

"My brother messaged me this morning and said he grabbed the boutonnieres. We need to make sure the cosmetics are already in the car along with the curlers." Yuzuha nodded her head looking to Emma.

Emma nodded back, "Alright! I also messaged Draken to make sure they're all up and ready! He said all the guys are making sure Mitsuya's relaxed." Emma sighed and softly palmed her forehead.

"Oh no, do you remember when they took Takemichi to relax before proposing to me?" Hina gasped.

Yuzuha shook her head, "No way is Mitsuya going to get plastered and cry right now. He's probably pacing like a mad man and becoming a groomzilla." 

"He has been waiting for this day for twelve years." Emma grinned.

"You're right." Hina softly giggled.

Y/n blushed. 

She wanted to see Mitsuya already. She wanted to be his wife already.

A few more hours.

"Alright! Let's pack up, grab some caffeine, and head to the mountains!" Emma clapped.

"Let's go get Y/n married!!" Hina cheered.

Luna and Mana threw their arms around Y/n. Squeezing her in between them.

"I've been waiting for this day for so long!!" Luna beamed.

"I was going to propose for our big brother if he didn't ya know!" Mana laughed.

"Are you ready man?" Peyan clapped his hand on Mitsuya's shoulder.

Mitsuya opened his mouth to respond but we cut off by Pah.

"You say you are but you aren't. Watch he'll cry when he see's little Y/n coming down that isle." Pah spoke smugly.

"Pfft aren't you just recalling your own wedding Pah?" Kazutora raised an eyebrow.

"HEY! DON'T DISREPECT PAH!" Peyan let go of Mitsuya and shoved a finger into Kazutora's face.

"Tsk, do you always have to get so worked up over Pah?" Kazutora pushed his finger away.

Mitsuya shook his head and laughed. He walked away from them and went to continue getting his things together.

Draken and Mikey were chatting near his luggage.

"Mitsuya!" Mikey jumped to his feet.

"Shut the hell up Mikey," Draken warned walking behind him.

Mitsuya lifted a brow. Confused on the hostility Draken was having towards Mikey right now.

Mikey jogged over to his long time friend and threw an arm over his shoulder. A sly smirk playing on his lips.

"If you get too nervous to finish your vows- I can finish the ceremony for you." Mikey's dark eyes squinted playfully.

"Hah." Mitsuya faked a laugh and threw Mikey's arm off of him.

"Like hell that'll ever happen." He glared a little at his former captain.

"Awe come on! Little Y/n is going to be so cute today! I might even want to marry her!" Mikey teased.

Draken clenched his fist, deeply regretting the day he introduced his precious baby sister to all of these idiots.

"Me too~" Chifuyu beamed from his spot on the bed.

"Chifuyu!" Takemichi gasped and slapped a hand over his friends mouth.

"Why did I invite any of you." Mitsuya sat down and shook his head.

Draken agreed mentally.

"Just kidding just kidding! I'm only teasing because I'm so happy!" Mikey waved his hand.

"Also if you didn't invite me- I'd have to kick all of your asses." His happy tone quickly shifted to a dark one.

The room went silent.

After a few seconds of everyone exchanging glances, the room erupted in laughter.

"Mitsuya's finally marrying his dream girl! Let's cheers to a great day!" Hakkai happily shouted lifting a sake bottle.

"Hell yeah!!" The room said together.

"Cheers to me for guessing he'd get married before Takemitchy!" Draken snickered lifting his beer bottle.

Mitsuya along with everyone else laughed harder. 

"Hey!" Takemitchi pouted, but his frown was wiped away when Chifuyu nudged him.

"Cheers to Mitsuya and Y/n's happy future!" Chifuyu added to the roaring room.

"And to if he fucks up I get full permission to steal her away!!" Chifuyu teased with a wink.

Peyan and Pah spat their drinks out as they laughed.

"Never giving up huh Chifuyu?" Mitsuya mocked.

Chifuyu shrugged back playfully.

Everyone knew Chifuyu was joking. He'd finally let go of his childhood crush when Y/n came back. He saw how perfect her and Mitsuya were together, even after being apart for so long the distance couldn't diminish their feelings.

Plus, Chifuyu was currently caught up in a beautiful romance with that adorable customer of his.

As the room died down and everyone gathered into their cars. The ones who didn't drink moments ago were the drivers of course.

Mitsuya sat with Draken, Mikey, Hakkai, and Kazutora while the others piled into Pah's car.

Mitsuya kept his eyes out the window. His heart was racing ever since the moment he woke up.

Not that he could really get any sleep.

It was hard enough being forced away for the night, but he was so damn excited for today he couldn't fall asleep.

He was marrying Y/n today. A few hours from now he'll be able to proudly say he's the husband of that amazing woman.

"When are you going to knock up Y/n Mitsuya?" Kazutora spat out.

Draken swerved the car as Mitsuya perked up in his seat.

"A miniature Y/n. How cute!" Mikey nodded leaning his head back.

"Kazutora, don't pry!" Hakkai glared at his friend.


"Oo yeah we probably shouldn't tease so much, Kenchin might not want to hand Y/n over when he walks her to Mitsuya." Mikey chuckled.

Draken shouted another shut up. 

Mitsuya straightened up in his seat and smiled softly. He kind of wished they already had a kid on the way right now.

But he was okay with waiting to have their first child. He feared he was still too selfish with Y/n to share her. 

So for the time being he was okay with it just being the two of them. And Marius of course.

"I'm hoping for three kids." Mitsuya smirked.

"Three!!" Hakkai blushed.

"Going to be busy I see." Kazutora nodded.

"Three little Y/n's!" Mikey beamed.


"Everyone if you could please rise."

Soft piano music filled the small wooden chapel.

Mitsuya felt his body stiffen. 

Everyone stood up. The small room contained only a handful of people the two trusted with their lives.

The original Toman members. Hina, Emma, and Yuzuha. Luna, Mana, and Marius. Yuno and Anna. Needles.

A room filled with people who wished and waited for this day to come. Prayed the two of these two fated lovers would be joint together.

Mitsuya's heart fluttered when he saw Y/n enter the chapel.

They locked eyes and both instantly smiled.

She looked so beautiful. Like an angle in his eyes.

Her hair was decorated with small flowers. Her make up was natural and soft. Her skin sparkled from the body glitter her friends brushed all over her.

Mitsuya looked more handsome than ever. So different but so familiar.

He had his hair pushed back elegantly. His dark grey suit fit him so well it made Y/n's heart skip a beat.

They locked eyes the entire time Draken walked her up to Mitsuya.

"Who's giving her away?" The minister smiled softly.

"Her older brother." Draken said hesitantly.

Y/n squeezed his upper arm. She could hear the crack in his voice.

He looked at her and felt his throat go dry. She stared up at her older brother with such love and happiness it shook his heart.

 "Shit," He breathed out and looked back at Mitsuya.

"I will kill you if anything happens to her." Draken was deadly serious.

The minister's eyes widened. Taken back by the threat.

"I will never do anything to hurt her Draken. I swear on my life." Mitsuya reached out to take her hand.

A bolt of lightning surged through the two when they felt the others hand.

Draken took in a deep breath and leaned forward. Kissing Y/n's forehead quickly before rushing to Emma's side. Emma gave him a tender smile and wiped his eyes for him.

"Hi," Mitsuya whispered.

"Hi" Y/n whispered back.

"Everyone can be seated now," The minister said.

Y/n squeezed Mitsuya's hand as they turned to face the minister. The older man began the wedding ceremony.

Giving a small background of the couple. Expressing how marriage is a beautiful union of two people. 

"I understand you have your own vows." The older man smiled at the two of them.

"Yes." Mitsuya nodded and turned to face Y/n.

He took her hand in his, gripping at her fingertips. Her eyes were already watering.

"I love you. I'm sure I loved you from the very beginning. Before I knew you had feelings for me too I was okay with my feelings not being reciprocated. Just as long as I can be in your life- that's all I wanted."

"But when I found out you felt the same way my world changed. I knew you were it for me. Forever. I can't picture my life without you. I don't want to."

Mitsuya tightened his grasp on her fingers and hand.

"When I lost you I lost myself. Life back than was a blur. I never want to know that pain ever again- I promise to love you endlessly. I promise to cherish you every second of every day. I promise to stay by your side until the day we die- and even then I'll stick right beside you."

"You're going to get sick of me but I swear to you- you can never get rid of me now."

Mitsuya's vows made most of the boys chuckle. The girls teared up and clapped.

Y/n felt her nose tingle. She was trying so hard not to cry, but a stray tear rolled down her cheek. Mitsuya chuckled lightly and wiped it away gently to not mess with her make up.

After he swiped away the tear he cupped her cheek.

"Okay," Y/n took in a deep breath.

"When I met you I didn't know you'd be the one to save me. I never thought that you'd ever see me as anything more than Kenny's little sister. I fell for you and I've never regretted it."

"I cherish you more than you will ever know. I was in a dark place when you found me, but you didn't leave me. You stayed with me and showed me a world of color. I'm so grateful for you. You're my best friend and I don't know what I would do without you."

"While we were apart, I never forgot you. I couldn't. I prayed and wished for the day when we could reunite."

She took in a deep breath and nuzzled into his hand holding her cheek.

"I told myself to be prepared for reality. What if you were in love with someone else? Married with kids. I told myself if that was the case I'd have to let you go. Be happy for you and hide away my feelings because I could never cause you any harm Takashi."

"I'm so happy you waited for me just like how I waited for you."

"Thank you for never giving up on me. On us."

Tears spilled from not only Y/n's eyes, but everyone else's. Except the Toman boys.

"I love you now. Tomorrow. And the rest of our forever's." Her smile brought tears to Mitsuya's eyes.

He didn't let them fall though.

"That was beautiful. And now the rings." The minister nodded towards Marius.

Marius walked up to Mitsuya and handed him a small pillow.

Yue beside him as she carried Ruiji in her arms.

"Thanks bud." Mitsuya winked at Marius. 

He nodded back, his eyes wet with tears. Yue and Ruiji ran back to their parents.

Mitsuya held up the pillow for Y/n to take his ring.

She sniffled and laughed a little when she saw how giddy Mitsuya was getting.

"Do you, Takashi Mitsuya, promise to love Y/n Sasake freely, without restrictions, honestly, without deceit now and forever? Do you promise to accept her as she is, sharing with her and supporting her through the experiences of your lives, be they easy or difficult, happy or sad, challenging or mundane, till death do you part?"

"I do." Mitsuya breathed the words happily.

"Do you, Y/n Sasake, promise to love Takashi Mitsuya freely, without restrictions, honestly, without deceit now and forever? Do you promise to accept him as he is, sharing with him and supporting him through the experiences of your lives, be they easy or difficult, happy or sad, challenging or mundane, till death do you part?"

"Yes, I do." Y/n giggled as her eyes watered again.

"Than, by the power vested in me, I announce you Husband and Wife."

"You may now kiss your beautiful bride," The minister gleefully smiled.

Mitsuya and leaned in close. Y/n closed her eyes slowly.

He shut his eyes and pressed his lips to hers. Forcefully but passionately. He pulled away for a moment and the two of them locked eyes.

Their feelings bubbled over and they locked lips again. Going in for a deeper kiss.

The two of them were so happy in their own world that the surrounding claps and cheers and whistles were tuned out.


Y/n and Mitsuya thought at the same time.

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