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The phone rang

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The phone rang.

And it rang.

Nothing but that dull ringing.

"The number you have dialed is not available at the moment"

"Please leave a message after the beep"


"Hey, it's me again. It's been a couple days since I last heard from you." Mitsuya lowered his head as he spoke into the phone.

"Are you okay? I'm worried over here Y/n. Please call or message me. I need to make sure you're okay.." His voice was starting to sound like a broken record.

He's called her every day, multiple times, for the past two days. The last time he saw her was when they went on their date. He clutched the phone in his hand and pressed the top of it into his forehead.

He had just gotten her back. They spoke their feelings for each other- declared they were together again. And then she leaves? It didn't make any sense to him.

He knew how happy she was with him. He could see and feel her feelings for him. There's no way she would leave like she did twelve years ago- something had to of happened.

"Fuck..." He whispered to himself.

His back hunched over more, like he was trying to curl himself into a ball. He felt so empty without her. So much worse than how he felt before.

Everything was different now. They were older and could do so much more together. They could start a life together without having to worry about anyone's opinions.

Why did something have to happen now?

Did it happen that night? That following morning?

Mitsuya sighed, letting his body flop onto the floor of his living room.

"Why didn't she come to me?"

The thought he had spoken aloud made his mood worsen. It pained his heart and made him feel small. Insignificant.


His pain was starting to cloud his judgment.

"Maybe...she never loved me as much as I thought."

He stared at his ceiling. Starting to drown himself in self doubt and completely wrong scenarios.

"Big bro if you really think that- you're way dumber than I could have imagined." Luna crossed her arms.

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