𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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July 1978

I wake up scared, look around and see only white walls, then I remember I'm in the hospital.

A feeling of pain fills me, remembering that Cindy, my only sister had died hurt, it hurt so much. Knowing that I would never see her again, that I would never talk to her again....

I felt guilty because I wasted the time I had with her, if only I had known everything would be different now.

It had already been two days since she died, so the feeling of pain was still there and would probably never go away.

Mom came in yesterday and cried for hours, for Cindy, for me, she smelled of alcohol but she was aware of her actions. She stayed all night with me but this morning she told me she had to go fix some things for the funeral. Everything makes me think she's going to stop drinking, but you never know, I guess.

And Nick... he didn't come to see me, but I guess it makes sense, after all he's from Sunnyvale and I am from Shadyside, maybe for one night we pushed the boundaries and thought we could make it but we were just naive.

Chapter one:

July 1978

I wake up scared, look around and see only white walls, then I remember I'm in the hospital.

A feeling of pain fills me, remembering that Cindy, my only sister had died hurt, it hurt so much. Knowing that I would never see her again, that I would never talk to her again....

I felt guilty because I wasted the time I had with her, if only I had known everything would be different now.

It had already been two days since she died, so the feeling of pain was still there and would probably never go away.

Mom came in yesterday and cried for hours, for Cindy, for me, she smelled of alcohol but she was aware of her actions. She stayed all night with me but this morning she told me she had to go to work. All indications are that she is going to stop drinking, but I guess you never know.

And Nick...he didn't come to see me, but I guess it makes sense, after all he is Sunnyvale and I am from Shadyside, maybe for one night we pushed the boundaries and thought we could make it but we were just naive.

It hurt anyway, I really thought he would come, that he cared about me, was it all a lie? Probably not, but it doesn't mean it was all true either.

Can you fall in love with someone in one night? Can you love someone when you only talked for a few hours? Probably not, but she knows what she feels, she never felt something so real and so strong for someone other than Nick.

She turned on the TV, she didn't really have something to do, her mother promised to bring her books, although that was still a few hours away.

Nick could still come visit her, couldn't he? It had only been two days but... if he really cared, why not come sooner?

But then all her hopes came crashing down.

There was a picture of Nick on the news as the reporter said that "Thomas Slater just went crazy", but that wasn't his opinion, it was the statement Nick had given the same day of the incident.

She stood still, as if moving might break her, but the truth was that she was already broken.

Nick...she thought he was different from the others in Sunnyvale, she thought he would believe her but he had only lied.

She felt betrayed, he broke her heart.

Nick couldn't have said that.

But he did.

She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry but she couldn't even move.

Nick Goode, the only one she trusted, the only one she showed who she really was... betrayed her.

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 | 𝐙𝐢𝐜𝐤 [𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐲] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now