𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

922 29 11

October 1983

Ziggy and Nick just continue to look at each other, not saying anything else, but it's not an awkward silence, after so long without each other being close even if they are not talking feels good.

Ziggy no longer felt that emptiness in her stomach that she had since camp and that pain was no longer as strong as it used to be.

A strand of hair escapes from her hear and Nick hesitates but in the end he reaches up and tucks it behind her ear, just like he did so many times that night.

Ziggy feels faint at the touch.

Nick gently caresses her face and moves a little closer to her who can feel his breath on her face but a scream makes them separate.

Ziggy walks to the bathroom, grabbing a lamp on the way, somehow Sam had reached Deena, pulling her legs causing her to fall.

She hits Sam with the lamp and the others look at her.

"I wanted to do that all day," she confesses.

Nick smiles, that's the Ziggy he knew at camp.

The Ziggy he missed so much.


"When I put Sarah's hand with the rest of the body, I was transported back to 1666 and saw her story... just like you saw Sarah when you bled on her hand", Deena explains looking at Ziggy.

Nick diverts his gaze to the redhead as well, wondering what else she had lived that night without him knowing.

Ziggy lowers her gaze, waiting for her to continue.

"Sarah Fier was innocent, she's not turning people in Shadyside into killers. She wasn't a witch! Eira Knight" Nick and Ziggy frown, trying to understand "she made a deal with the devil and then framed Sarah to cover her own Puritan ass.

» The Knight's, they're trading us, people from Shadyside. Knight gives a name to the devil, the devil takes over that person, then that person kills and murders. And the devil feeds on this blood of dead Shadysider's and the Knights get whatever she wants. All of Sunnyvale gets better and better and Shadyside doesn't.

» And the Knights do it over and over, again and again. One Knight from every generation passing down the evil. Eira... Her daughter, from one firstborn to another. The problem is we don't know who her descendant is and..." Deena was speaking so fast it was hard to understand what she's saying.

"Wait", Nick interrupts her "Did you say Knight?"

"Yes, why?" Deena asks.

Nick and Ziggy exchange glances.

"Sheila", they both whisper at the same time.

They are silent for a few seconds, trying to parse what that meant.

"Sheila? The Sheila who got spiders thrown at her?" Nick looks at Josh, confused and then shifts his gaze from him to Ziggy.

"That's what you don't understand? Really?" She asks, rolling her eyes "I thought she was dead".

"They never found the body but I don't know, there are several bodies that couldn't be found, like Gary's", Nick explains.

Ziggy closes her eyes as she remembers that moment.

"But then she faked her death for what?" Ziggy asks.

"If everyone thought she was dead no one was going to suspect her", Nick says.

"Yeah but... I don't know, Sheila doesn't have any siblings, isn't someone supposed to follow the curse, why would she hide?"

"It doesn't matter" Josh interrupts, "The killers are going to come after us now that we know the truth".

"To protect the Knight's pact with the devil", Deena continues.

Nick is about to speak but a glass is heard breaking.

Everyone turns their heads to the direction the sound is coming from.

Major Tom starts barking, causing them to startle.

Deena runs to the bathroom to release Sam and Ziggy gets up at the same time as Nick to go get her dog.

Nick grabs her wrist gently, fearing something might happen to her.

She turns around and it was almost like reliving the scene in the dining room.

"I'm not letting you get hurt!"

Ziggy gives him a little smile, trying to calm him down.

"I'm just going to go get the dog", she whispers.

Nick loosens his grip but doesn't let go of her.

"I'm coming with you".

Ziggy nods.

They both head for the kitchen, Ziggy bending down to grab the dog just before the axe hits the wooden door again.

Nick pulls her by the hand again to leave the house but he releases his grip to help Deena load Sam into the car.

They end up leaving in Nick's car, with Nick driving and Ziggy in the passenger seat hugging her dog.

They had checked that Tommy did not follow them after leaving the house, as it was night they were not sure but they doubted that he would follow them by car.

"What now?" Nick asks, after driving with no specific direction.

"We must kill Sheila", Ziggy speaks, the only thing she feels at that moment is hate, hate towards Sheila, she is the one responsible for her sister being dead.

Nick looks at her out of the corner of his eye.

There had always been that rivalry between them, but now it is much stronger because Sheila had killed her sister.

And that worries him, Ziggy would do anything to avenge Cindy, even if it meant putting herself in danger.

And Nick couldn't lose Ziggy, not again.

"So how are we going to find her?" Josh asks.

"I think there's a way", Deena says, remembering what she had seen "I wasn't sure at first and it all happened so fast that..." she lets the sentence hang in the air, remembering something "Sheila is in love with Nick".

I'm thinking about how to add Martin to the story, because without Nick being the bad guy it's a bit complicated

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I'm thinking about how to add Martin to the story, because without Nick being the bad guy it's a bit complicated.

I don't know what Sheila's last name is, I looked in the credits and she didn't have one, so I just made one up.

What do you think about Sheila being in love with Nick? Don't worry, it will be explained later.

I hope you liked it, it was a little short but I don't know what happened to me, jsjsjs.

Thanks for the 800 reads.

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