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Honestly, when I started this book I never thought I would finish it, but each chapter was so easy to write and my ideas were so clear from day one that I was quite surprised.

With that, I want to thank you for reading, even those of you who didn't vote, or comment, I know you're out there and I'm glad to know you made it to the end.

As corny or cliche as it may sound, I keep each one of you in my heart.

Thank you to those who were there from the beginning, to those who arrived along the way and to those who will arrive, you are all important to me.

Remember that you can go read my new stories of Ziggy and Nick, that from now on I will be updating.

1. "My way to you", is about Ziggy and Nick being best friends, until something changes in the camp. No killers, no deaths, just two quiet towns and two families bringing them together.

2. "Favorite Crime", is about Ziggy making a pact with the devil, after what happened in '94.

3. "Dear... you", is about Ziggy and Nick writing letters to each other after the events of '78, some are sent and some are not.

I hope to read you there too and if not, I want to say goodbye to you today, thanks for staying until the end and I hope to meet you again someday.

Now, if you are wondering why Nick and Ziggy's daughter is not named Cindy, it's because, even though Ziggy loves her sister, seeing her die in front of her was very painful and she doesn't want her daughter to carry that weight.

If you'd like any more extras, leave it in the comments, I'll gladly write about this Nick and Ziggy again.

I'm definitely going to miss this story, I don't know how to explain it, but every chapter I enjoyed it so much and I always felt like I was obligated to sit down and write, not in a bad way, it was like I had made a commitment to finish it, every chapter I enjoyed it and part of that was due to you guys.

Thank you so much for your support.

Love, Kris. 🤍

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