𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏.

947 28 11

September 1983

After what happened to her mother, Ziggy had to hospitalize her, insurance (which they had a hard time getting) paid most of the expenses.

Her mom (who was doing much better) had decided it was best to move back to Shadyside, where she could visit Cindy more often.

She didn't like the idea of leaving her there, but she had to go fix some things around the house, for when her mom returned. They had decided not to sell the Shadyside house and the family that was renting it had evicted it a few days ago.

Luke and Alysha would stay here to keep an eye on her mother, they promised to call her and let her know if anything happened.

Ted and Sarah decided to go with her. Ted asked for vacation from his job and Sarah hadn't been able to get one yet.

Ziggy would have to look for a job in Shadyside, she would rather not leave the house but she had no choice.

She always knew they were going to go back at some point, but she wasn't ready yet.

She would never be ready.

Going back meant taking the risk of seeing him and even though she finally realized it was better that they were apart and that he wouldn't have become sheriff talking about ghosts, his betrayal still hurt and it hurt twice as much because even after that she couldn't hate him, she could never hate him.

"If anything happens, anything at all..." she starts to say but Luke interrupts her.

"We'll call you, C", he gives her a look she fails to decipher.

She looks away.

Ted had told her that Luke was still in love with her, but she could never reciprocate.

Alysha wraps her in a hug and the others end up joining in.

The guys hadn't left her side after what had happened, they didn't ask questions but they let her know they were there for her.

She had already said goodbye to her mother.

They get in the car, Ziggy drives because she is the only one who knows where Shadyside is, the moving truck follows them.

They go talking for a few hours but Sarah and Ted fall asleep on the way.

"Welcome to town of Sunnyvale"

She struggles to breathe.

He was so close...

"I'm hungry", Sarah's voice rings through the car.

"Me too", Ted supports.

Ziggy decides to ignore them, not liking where that conversation was heading.

"That's my way of saying stop the car so we can eat", Sarah mentions.

Ted smiles.

"That's my way of telling you I'm not stopping the car", Ziggy replies with a fake smile.

There was no way Ziggy was going to stop anywhere in Sunnyvale.

She wouldn't take that chance.

"Oh, come on Ziggy", Ted insists, "We've been in the car for hours, if we don't get out, my legs are going to sleep and I won't be able to walk again".

She rolls her eyes.

"Only an hour and a half to go."

Sarah almost bursts into tears hearing that, Ted was right, her legs were already starting to hurt.

They try to convince her but she pays no attention, her only goal was to get out of there without seeing him.

She didn't want to see him, she couldn't see him.

The last time she had seen him was when she was leaving Shadyside and it affected her so much that she felt bad for a month.

She didn't want to go through that again.

She was so distracted that she didn't realize she had turned before she should have, so as soon as her eyes caught sight of the police station, she slammed on the brakes, causing Sarah to let out a scream.

"Shit", Ziggy whispers, "No, no, no, no".

She looks in the rear view mirror and gets out of there as fast as she can, if the police saw her they were going to arrest her but she couldn't think straight.

Nick frowns as he hears a noise outside, he gets up from the chair and walks to the window, all he can see is a car turning around at full speed, except....

His heart skips a beat.

It was only for a few seconds and it happened so fast he doesn't know if it was real or not.

That red hair... . I'd recognize it anywhere, but it's impossible, isn't it?

An image of her flashes through his head.

It was her, it had to be her.

When Ziggy left the block she stopped and let out a long sigh.

"Ziggy, what the fuck just happened?" Ted suddenly asks.

"I saw my whole life flash before my eyes", Sarah speaks in a whisper.

"If you guys are hungry you can eat each other because I'm not stopping this car until we get to Shadyside".

Her friends didn't protest, still in shock.

"Thank you, king of Sunnyvale, future police chief Nick Goode..."

How could she had been so stupid? Because no matter how much she says she doesn't want to see him, she's lying and she knows it.

How could she had been so stupid? Because no matter how much she says she doesn't want to see him, she's lying and she knows it

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A few things:

This chapter is narrated in third person and the chapters where Ziggy and Nick are together will be narrated in the same way, this to avoid having to write them twice because it would slow down the story a lot, plus I want you to be able to see what they both feel when they are together.

In the next chapter the events of '94 start, so first we are going to see Nick's point of view from the first movie, adding a few things to make it make more sense.

In chapter nine (if my calculations are correct) Ziggy and Nick are going to be reunited. 😭

I can't wait for you to see the dynamic they're going to have after they're done with the curse because honestly 🛐🛐🛐🛐.

Thanks for the 400 reads, I can't believe the story is growing so fast, it hasn't even been a week.

I'll read you in the next chapter and if you have any questions about anything feel free to tell me so I can clear them up for you.

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