How you met

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Darry -
You were new in town and had no idea what socs and greasers were. Your family relatives that you were now living with, took you to the movie house and you saw a group of fancy lookin' guys bullying a boy.

You told your family to go in without you, they did. You saw the boys pull out a knife and you were shocked.
You ran over to the guys, yelling "STOP" they looked over and smiled.

Once you got over you started shoving them away from the boy on the ground, but they grabbed you. One of the strong guys held you by the waist and put a hand over your mouth.
You were kicking, screaming, and trying to bite the guy's hand. All of a sudden the guy dropped you to the ground and ran.
You saw a group of rougher looking boys run over to the boy on the ground, you walked up to the boy on the ground and asked "are you alright?"
He replied in a deeper voice than you expected "yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for tryin' to help me."
You were about to walk away, until a strong hand grabbed your arm.

"Thanks for tryin' to save my little brother, I'm Darrel." The eldest boy said.
You smiled at the handsome guy in front of you. "No problem, I'm (y/n)."

Darrel rubbed the back of his neck and asked "and maybe you would want to do somethin' with me sometime? I know it's quick of me to ask but I think your awful pretty." He smiled.
"Yes, I would love to." You said back to Darrel.

Dally -
Your friends had been convincing you to go to one of bucks party's for weeks now and you finally had enough of them asking said you said okay. "I'm going to be the designated driver though. No drinks for me." You told them.
"Okay fine" Your friends Sally and Mercedes huffed.
You decided to wear a Supernatural shirt and black leggings, you thought it would keep all the guys away since the shirt came up to your neck and you weren't really revealing any skin, plus everyone would think your a crazy fan girl.
You had never been much for party's anyways. Your friends had worn something more revealing and typical.
When you arrived you saw that pretty much all the girls there were drunk out of their minds and pretty much showing every piece of skin.
"Slags" you muttered under your breath.
Once you got inside it was even worse, music was blaring and your friends had left you for drinks, cute guys and you were stuck alone.
You saw a rather attractive boy approaching you and he asked "Whatcha doing by yourself there, doll face?"
"Friends left." You simply said.
"I'm Dally and you?"
"(Y/n)" You could tell he was drunk or at least close by the way his breath smelt.
"Mind if I have your number there, Doll face?"
You usually weren't the kind of person to give out your number to random boys at a party but you were really attracted to him, so you did. You two sat and talked the rest of the night.

Sodapop -
You had just bought a car from a deal ship and it was already starting to fall apart. You were so angry but you hated conflict so you just took it to the DX instead.
You have never been there before and you had only heard good things from all your female friends, so you did.

When you got there, you could see why so many of your friends liked it here. You walked up to the counter and read the boy's name tag, it read "Sodapop".

"Hello, Yeah uhm hi. So I was wondering if you could take a look at my car? I just got it and I think it's going to break down or something..." You explained.
"For sure I can, sweetheart." He winked and motioned for you to follow him out to your car.

You blushed and quickly walked behind. He looked at your car and bit his lip. He started snooping around everywhere, to check if anything was wrong.
He walked up to you and frowned. "Sorry can't find anythin' wrong with your car" he said.
"It's fine, I'll just go home." You smiled.
He grabbed your arm and when you turned around he quickly let go. "Maybe you should give me your number. You just in case your car does break down."
He scratched his arm.
"Alright" you smiled.

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