How he comforts you when your depressed

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Pony can always tell when your upset, he knows you have felt this way before. He can sense it in your eyes and see the tears you're holding back. Pony will hug you and cuddle you until you feel better and if you ask him to leave, he'll obey, but he will stay close by because he doesn't want to let you out of his sight.

If you're feeling depressed you always go to Soda first. He has a happy-go-lucky attitude that will always make you feel better. Soda is super sweet and tender when you're feeling down. He makes you smile when you feel like crying.

Steve will know you're feeling depressed when you flat out tell him. Usually you come to him crying and super emotional, he runs to you and holds you in his strong arms until you feel the slightest bit better. He'll bring you his cake and offer you anything in the world because you're his one in a million.

Johnny knows the way you feel because he has felt that way before. He knows with every breathe there's a ache in your heart. He tries to heal you with his words and telling you it will be better and you can always count on him. He hugs you and protects you. He makes sure you will never ever feel this way again.

Dally may seem super tough like nothing could ever upset him, but when he sees you like this he's on the verge of tears himself. He hates to see the pain in your eyes and the ache in your heart. Dally is always there and will blow off anything just to be with you and make you feel better. He will get you anything in the world, stolen or bought.

Two is always happy. He somehow manages to put on a smile and still joke through the toughest times, but when he sees you depressed. He smile fades and instantly runs to your side. He gently smiles, not his sly smile like he just made a joke, but a gentle one for comfort. He needs to see you smile and laugh and will do anything for you until you get to that point.

Darry isn't always there most of the time and sometimes he's too tired to talk when he gets home, but when he knows you feel depressed, he will dedicate his heart to only you. Darry will take a day off work and just sit with you letting you talk about why you feel this way. He'll help you through it and overcome it. At night he will hold you and kiss you making sure you feel loved.

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