How you kiss

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Darry loves to kiss you all the time. It's like kisses are his way of making up for how much he doesn't get to see you. As he works all the time. He kisses you anywhere that's closest to him at the moment. Whether it's your shoulder, forehead, calf, or just anywhere. Darry lives for the kisses.

Ponyboy -
Pony boy loves to kiss. He's fairly new at it but he kisses you with all the passion he can give. He makes every lip lock feel like the most important moment ever because he knows how easy it is to lose someone.

Sodapop -
Sodapop is a great kisser, maybe it's because he's experienced, but let's not think about that. Soda treasures every time you kiss because you mean everything to him. He makes sure he leaves you with a great kiss so you can go back to him at the end of the day and collect some more

Steve -
Steve is a jokey guy and he acts that way when you're kissing too. Sometimes he'll kiss your nose, your cheek, your whole face. Just to make you laugh because he loves the sound of your laugh and will do anything to make you laugh.

Dally -
Dally loves to take charge while kissing, making sure he's the dominant one. He'll pin you up against the wall, lay on top of you. Kissing usually turns into something more. But when Dally is in one of his sensitive moods he'll kiss you with the most passion you've ever experienced, he'll always make sure your comfortable.

Two Bit -
Two Bit loves to tell jokes, he'll sometimes say "if this joke makes you laugh, you have to kiss me". You laugh even if it's not funny just because you desire his lips too. Two Bit usually just gives you quick pecks on the lips or cheek in public but behind closed doors or if he's jealous of someone, he always makes sure you're his and you know it.

Johnny -
Johnny loves kissing you, he gets butterflies every time and that's a feeling he never wants to forget. The moment he leans in for a kiss and you lean in makes him feel so loved. So cared for. Kissing you makes him feel safe. He loves you so much and always wants you to make sure you know it.

Sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time! Been pretty hectic lately, anyways hope you like it😊

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