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Ponyboy -
Ponyboy isn't much a concert goer but if it's something that you really want to do, he will go or he might just get one of the boys to take you. When Pony does go with you he loves seeing the excitement on your face and he would go to a million concerts just to be with you.

Darry -
Darry loves concerts. Actually, Darry loves going to concerts with you. He would rather be sleeping or just relaxing at home but seeing the excitement on your face and the glee in your eyes makes him feel happy. He loves seeing how excited you get when the performers come on stage, or when they play your favourite song.

Sodapop -
Soda loves concerts. Most of the time when you can score tickets it's for a band you don't really know. That doesn't stop either of you to jamming out during. You two dance, sing and shout, which to other people would probably be embarrassing but the only two people you would be worried about be embarrassed in front of us each other. Thankfully you two are comfortable enough around each other that it isn't.

Steve -
Steve, believe it or not, doesn't really care for concerts much. He would rather just hang out with you and the gang and go for a drive or something. But Steve knows how much concerts mean to you. He loves hearing you sing along to the songs or seeing you really hype with your hands in the air. Steve only loves concerts with you.

TwoBit -
Keith loves concerts, way more than you do. Most of the time you find them loud and just too much people, but Keith always makes you feel safe and have a good time. He will take your hand and wave them in the air for you, put you on his shoulders, or stand behind you holding your waist.

Johnny -
Johnny doesn't like concerts at all, he just thinks their noisy and crowded. So instead of spending hours trying to convince him to go, you guys settle on going to the next little concert. Something less loud, less crowded, and more enjoyable, probably for the both of you.

Dally -
Dally definitely has some perks of going to concerts with. If we're at the back of the crowd, he knows how to shove his way through to get to the front. If anyone steps on your foot and pushes you, he's always right by your side to push them back.


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