29. Goodbye Andromeda

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I couldn't stop tapping my legs. I got so frustrated I began punching them. No matter how much I tried, I get my legs to move. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. I've pushed myself as far back as I could having my back against the wall.

Every dress they showed me had my blood getting hotter and hotter until I was sure that one drop could light this whole house on fire. The only tolerable thing about all this was that after seeing how I flinched every time one of them touched me before I was able to comb my own hair. Afterwards, they gave me this paper design that I could clip to my hair which I hate to admit that it was actually quite pretty. But once I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself from head to toe, I felt like that first day in the first house I stayed in. I didn't recognize the person looking back at me.

I was relieved to finally be out of the room but that relief was short lived when we walked passed the kitchen. I had almost missed it. One of the women was preparing what looked to be like pies with some berry filling. It takes me a fraction of a second to realize that I've seen those berries before.

Why? Just why are things with people becoming so diffcult?

A shot hitting the wall close to my head snaps me out of my haze and thrust me back into the fight.

There was no way to make it discreet. From the second I warned them about the food to the second they refused to eat it, they lost their pretense for hospitality.

Without hesitation, Roone stood pulling me by my dress behind him. Everyone else at the table followed suit. No one moved as we all had a weapon drawn. No one even dared to breathe.

"We came nicely, healed your friend so that concludes our agreement. We are willing to ignore that you just tried to poison us, only if you stay put and let us walk out of here," he said forcefuly, "If you try to stop we will not think twice about killing you!"

Any other time, I would not be the one to take a step back first. I hated that weakness. But right now, I just wasn't in the goddamn mood to deal with these bitches anymore. I was willing to make the exception today. I was more than willing to let bygones be bygones. I knew these women were the way they were because of the men that have hurt them. They weren't like mama and her family. If my situation were true to what they believed I would have been thankful for them.

Instead, as soon as I placed one foot back to start walking Nova screamed in anger firing at Roone.

Be it blinded by anger or never having used a gun before, she missed entirely. But I didn't. I wasn't aiming to kill her, I just needed her to drop her weapon. However our two mutts were quicker to draw their teeth than we were to shoot. Saphira and Jack both jumped on her, each taking hold of her arms.

Nova screamed so loudly it sounded like a siren going off.

"You stupid dogs!" one of them shouted.

Once that one pulled her gun out and attempted to shoot one of our dogs I decided against taking another step back. Before she could pull the trigger, I put one in her shoulder. I wasn't trying to kill her. Just wanted her to drop her weapon and let the others know that we were serious.

That's what was supposed to happen. But the second I shot her, everyone else started shooting too. They couldn't shoot worth a damn but rhat doesn't mean we can just stand there as they fire at us.


"Jack, heel!"

The eight of us ran for cover as they continued to shoot. By my own idiocy, I ran in a different direction than they did. I dove behind one of the sheds and tried to keep myself calm, but for some reason I couldn't get my legs to stop shaking. Jack's attempt to help was licking my face until we heard the screams.

"They're coming!" someone screamed.

Of course. It never fails. I'm really starting to hate guns for this particular reason. Unless they had supressors, then they were fine. If not then, well I really don't have to explain this now do I?

"Set the fires!"

The shooting stopped which made the screams that much louder. Risking a peak over the side, I try and look for the my boys have gone. I nearly screamed when I turned the corner and I saw Blackie's face so close to mine.

"Hey buddy, where's Fredi and the others huh? C'mon, let's go." I pet his head as I stand grabbing hold of Jack's harness.

I don't bother with either of the leashes. Blackie knows how to lead me back and Jack knows how to guard and attack those who try to get the drop on me. With the dead causing a distraction, I follow Blackie to Fredi. Keeping my guard up just in case another one of these crazy women try to do something I notice Astra trying to get a match to light.

What she didn't see was the freshie coming up on her right.

Before I could even call out to her and shoot the thing another shot is fired into its skull. Both of us whip our heads around to see Roone with his rifle having just taken aim. Part of me was relieved that he saved her. While she initially had a problem with him because of what she thought, she was nowhere near as troubling as Nova.

The other part of me was worried and angry. These women already have it out for him especially. What if when they saw him shoot they thought he was trying to kill Astra and not save her?

When I reached him, I threw my arms around him. I knew this wasn't the time to be hugging so I quickly let go.

"Hurry! They seem to only be coming from the front, we can run and sneak out back. Let's go!" Riva instructed as he pointed in the direction he just mentioned.

We didn't need to think twice about it. The faster we were out of here the better. The fires acted like a barricade against the small pack that had come. Those that were able to get past the fire were stumbling like drunkards which helped them bring them down with their lousy shots.

"Andromeda!!" I heard her cry out.

Turning to get one last look at her, I see her tear stricken face. She's clutching both her arms that are bleeding through the towels. Without looking away, I pull out that paper folded star in my hair and toss it back towards her before turning back and running through the last of the sheds out back.


I've never felt more happy to be in my dirtied and torn jeans and t-shirt. I felt like me again.

I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes when Riva suggested that I burn the dress that the women had made me wear. He said it was to be therapeutic. Something about shedding skin like some snake. However, I remembered how great it felt when I finally let go of my wallet back in the beginning so I think he might have a point going. Besides, we all knew he wouldn't let it go until I did it. Once we found a decent spot to hold out in for a couple of days to get our bearings and such, and we would have our dinner is when I thought it best to burn it.

Piece by piece, I fed it into the fire. When the last piece when in, as it was turning black I couldn't help but feel sorry for Nova. I didn't care for what her name was before hand or anything like that, I just couldn't get the look in her eyes as she called out to me.

At nightfall, I could see only ash from the fire the day before.

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