|Boys Hangout|

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This book is all about Tokyo Revengers. If you haven't seen the anime/manga please don't read this book to prevent spoilers.



     "I'll come back and play with you later, ok?" Chifuyu smiled at his cat before closing the door.

It is currently the weekend and the toman leader has announced a boys hangout among the toman division captains and their vice captains. Currently, chifuyu is on his way to their said meeting spot, as he hopped inside the train he heard a familiar voice "Chifuyu? Heeeey, Sup?" Chifuyu turned around and saw the familiar pink mop head

4th division vice captain, smiley and behind him is the 4th member angry. "Ah smiley, you guys on your way to our meeting spot too?" Chifuyu asked them and angry behind smiley nodded. Chifuyu smiled at both of them before saying "Let's have a blast today, yeah?"

The three delinquents has arrived at their destination and has hopped out of the train and proceeded to walk to the said spot. They arrived "Ah, draken-kun, hey" Chifuyu greeted as draken's gaze moved in his direction "Ah chifuyu, sup" draken greeted back "I don't see Mikey anywhere, he hasn't arrived yet?" Chifuyu asked as draken frowned "No. Just Mikey being late as usual. Tch that guy..."

Suddenly chifuyu felt an arm wrap itself around his shoulder "Seriously, that guy. He go inviting everyone to a hangout and be late himself, tch classic Mikey" None other than baji keisuke, 1st division captain joined the complaint "Ah baji-san. Is Mikey always like this?" Chifuyu asked as baji nodded "Yeah, there's even this one time Mikey ran out of gas and I had to get gas for his stupid bike and ended up getting ganged up by older delinquent" Chifuyu smiled "And I bet you beat them up?"

Draken grinned "Well, soon after Mikey arrived and we gave the older delinquents a beating" Baji laughed "Yeah, good times huh?" Both boys' eyes widened as they turn around to see their toman leader Mikey eating a taiyaki behind them "Yo!" He waved
Baji let go of chifuyu's shoulder as he turn around to his leader "So? What exactly do you plan for this hang out?" He asked

"I'm thinking of going into an amusement park with everyone as a day off" Mikey said as he took a bite of his taiyaki "Amusement park? All of the sudden?" Draken asked "Yeah, I also invited someone outside of toman" Mikey said "he should arrive soon" and as soon as Mikey said that, panting and footsteps were heard

"Mikey-kun sorry! I overslept and forgot about this" He said between pants. He took everyone's attention as Mikey turned around to greet him "Yo, takemitchy" he smiled "Mikey, did you seriously just invited an outsider delinquent?" Baji frowned at Mikey "Don't worry, this guy's harmless" Mikey said as he put his arm around the said takemitchy

Mikey let go of the of takemitchy as he bow down to everyone as he introduced himself "Hanagaki takemichi, Pleasure to meet you all" he said and everyone nodded "Try not be a bother, let's go chifuyu" draken said before walking away as chifuyu followed behind him

* time skip bought to you by lazy author*

Everyone has arrived in the said hang out spot. The amusement park, and as soon as everyone has entered the said park, Mikey stepped in front of everyone and announced "TOKYO MANJI GANG! today at this weekend we gather to this amusement park. LET'S ALL HAVE A BLAST!" Mikey yelled as the rest of the captains and vice captains cheered "NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO LEAVE UNTIL EVERYONE HAVE HAD THEIR FUN!" Everyone cheered

"...Oi oi oi!! I thought this is toman hangout?! Why did everyone went their own way and left us?!" Baji frowned as he munched on the cotton candy he is holding "Think we lost everyone baji-san?" Chifuyu asked. Baji looked at his kouhai and sighed "Fine then..." Baji stood up "Baji-san?" Chifuyu asked as he look at this captain "CHIFUYU!" baji pointed at the 1st division vice captain "WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN THEY'RE GONNA REGRET DITCHING US! GOT THAT?!" Baji announced

chifuyu stood up stiff as well and saluted baji "YES!" His response was. Baji smirked as he took chifuyu's hand and start leading the way "Alright, let's have a blast!"

Baji led chifuyu into a shooting game "A shooting game?" Chifuyu asked as he looked up at baji "Yeah, let's get so many prizes that they'll get jealous of us, you ready chifuyu?" Baji asked, chifuyu smiled "Born ready!"

  "Bullseye!" Baji grinned as he successfully hit his 3rd win "Amazing baji-san!" Chifuyu praised as he held baji keisukei's two prizes. The first prize was a big cow plushie, and baji has successfully hit it. As for the second prize it's a head band with cat ears attached to it. Now baji won his third prize and as for the third prize it's a matching necklace.

The staff stood there nervously, as much as he want to interfere- baji keisuke's appearance alone is saying he shouldn't mess with this boy. He stood there in defeat

Baji gladly took the matching necklace and separate it. He gave the other half to chifuyu "Here, chifuyu" He smiled, Chifuyu's eyes widened "B-Baji-san?" He hesitantly took the necklace "It's a matching necklace and since it's only us here it'd make sense to have matching necklace, yeah?" Baji said, chifuyu felt his cheeks flush and he smiled and nodded "Thanks baji-san!" Chifuyu said before putting on the necklace

"Ah let me put it for you" baji said before getting behind chifuyu "let's see..." Baji mumbled to himself as he leaned a bit closer. Chifuyu's cheeks got redder as he felt baji's hot breath against the back of his neck "There" Baji said before leaning back "Hm? Chifuyu? Why's your cheeks red?" Baji asked "H-Huh? Oh, Just remembered an embarrassing memory hahaha.... Yeah" chifuyu laughed nervously

"Whatever, let's check out that stall" baji said before holding chifuyu's hand as he lead the way once again.

At the end of the day baji and chifuyu has won too many prizes and once again gathered with the rest of toman "MIKEY! check it out" Baji said before showing off the 5 bags full of prizes him and chifuyu has won "Woah! That's amazing baji-kun!" Mikey said as he held a cotton candy on his hand

"Huh? Are we competing now? Well check this out!" Mitsuya said as he flexes his body sized black cat stuff toy. Baji nearly screamed at the sight of this gigantic stuff toy as chifuyu let out an "amazing!"

"If we're competing on who had the most fun, we've definitely won" Smiley said as he showed pictures of various rides him and angry had "No no no, we've definitely won" Pah chin said as he flexes his picture with a staff while wearing a mouse ears headband and peh Yan behind him is full of paint on his face "No, it's definitely me and Mikey ya hear?" Draken said while his face show plenty face paints as he carry 3 bags each hand and 2 bags full of prizes beside Mikey while Mikey show a picture of him riding the carousel

"You bastards, You think you're all great when you haven't even seen THESE" 4th division captain, kazutora entered as he carry various bags full of prizes inside it and smiley and angry behind him also carry 3 bags each hand "Hahaha! Behold! We are the winner!" Kazutora laughed "Couldn't agree more, 4th division definitely won this" smiley said as angry nodded "See? We definitely won" Kazutora smiled proudly of himself

Everyone was in shock at the sight of this and baji shook his head "No No, it's definitely us!" Baji said as he wrap his arm around chifuyu and pulled him close while his other hand held out the matching necklace. Everyone was in awe "Draken! Let's go back and get a matching necklace as well! No- even better let's get matching rings!" Mikey said pointing at the inside of the amusement park

"Just accept your defeat Mikey, it's obvious the first division team has won" Draken said as he smiled. "Baji-san" Chifuyu said as baji turned his way "I had a blast today" Chifuyu smiled. Baji grinned as well "Same goes here" Baji said as he and the toman exit the amusement park

"Let's do this again next time!" Chifuyu said as baji turned around once again with eyes wide. He chuckled and smiled "Yeah, let's do this again sometime"

E n d . . .

I've completely forgotten that takemichi is here, let's just say that he met Hina along the way and had completely forgotten about the toman and Mikey saw them and left them be

Also as for why kazutora has replaced smiley's position as the 4th division captain is... Because shinichiro didn't die :D

Now there's no reason for baby Mikey to be sad

 ❝𝘿𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙗𝙖?̷❞Where stories live. Discover now