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"Chifuyuuu..." The black haired male groaned in which the blonde hummed in response "What's my Christmas gift?" Baji tiredly asked in which the blonde sigh "It isn't even Christmas yet...baji-san" said chifuyu.

Our beloved gay couple is currently cuddling while a blanket wrap around their bodies. It is currently 8 am in December 24th while the two young boy cuddle for eachother's warmth. Snow has covered each part of town- be it the streets, the trees, the plants or the rooftops. Snow can be seen everywhere which results the two to embrace eachother to keep one another warm.

The half asleep baji nibble on his lover's hair in which chifuyu groaned "Baji-saaaan.... I'll go balled if you keep eating my hair like that" He groaned in which the black haired male reply in muffled voice.

A sigh escape chifuyu's lips as he try to get up but was pulled back once again "Baji-san, I gotta prepare breakfast" the blonde looked at his boyfriend with a problematic look on his face "But I don't wanna let go...!" He complained. Chifuyu sigh for the third time before giving his beloved a kiss on the cheek before pulling back "We can cuddle lots later, but for now- let me prepare breakfast" he smiled.

Baji opened his brown eyes only to meet his lover's aquamarine ones. He frowned before unwrapping his arms around chifuyu. Chifuyu stood up "You can sleep more if you want to, I'll wake you when breakfast is ready" The blonde said while his black haired boyfriend just nodded before taking chifuyu's pillow and cuddling with it.

Chifuyu chuckled at his boyfriend's behavior before leaving the room to make him and his boyfriend some breakfast. He look at the clock then back to the kitchen only for his eyes to widen "You finally awake?" The blonde stood there, too stunned to speak.

The woman turn to face him "M-Mom? But I thought this is your working hours?" He hesitantly asked as his mother step closer to him before giving his head a smack "Did you hit your head or something? I thought I already told you that I'd be home today and celebrate Christmas with you? Well, Whatever. Get the table ready, I have to cook extra since I didn't know you'd invite keisuke-kun..." His mother said before returning to whatever may she be cooking.

Hesitant he may be, he still prepared the table. While he does his work his mind began to wonder "Wait...if she knows baji-san is here....does that mean she saw us?" Chifuyu frowned, unbeknownst to him that his mother is beside him "If you're wondering if I saw you and keisuke-kun cuddling like tightly packed sandwich, then yes I did. Now move along, we're talking about this later" chifuyu flinched at this before muttering a yes and getting the cups.

A loud yawn was heard in the room "Mwanying shifuhyuuu..." The black haired male greeted, unknown to him that his lover's mother is looking at him "Good Morning, keisuke. Seems like you and my son had a good sleep?" Baji immediately opened his eyes and saw Mrs. Matsuno crossing her arms while a tired grin display on her face "WAH! A-Ah.... Good morning Mrs. Matsuno" The woman nodded at him with a smile before sitting down on a chair.

Baji has also sat down next on one of the chairs next to chifuyu before whispering "I thought your mom is at work" chifuyu's gaze shifted to baji "Yeah, but I forgot she said she's gonna be here today to spend Christmas" he whispered in which caused the black haired boy to open his mouth in a realization manner before closing it again

"Itadakimasu" said Mrs. Matsuno before taking her chopsticks and separating them "So? Mind telling me? Chifuyu" The woman spoke, her eyes not leaving her plate. Chifuyu breath in before muttering an itadakimasu and separating his chopsticks too "Uhh... Me and baji-san..." Chifuyu started while baji also clasp both his hands, almost whispering an itadakimasu and separating his chopsticks while his worried gaze not leaving his blonde boyfriend.

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