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(A/N: Idea from AnimeFangirl445 )


   "Takemichi-kun! Hurry up or we'll be late!" Hina scolded her husband as she was on the door way "Ah! I'm coming!" Takemichi replied as he clumsily made his way downstairs "Geez, you're so slow" Hina sigh while her husband chuckles.

Today is a special day where two souls is about to be bound by the law and fate for the rest of their lives. Everyone is getting ready, driving, dressing up, waking up early as today... Two special people is about to be married.

"Emma! You better finish quick or we won't make it" Draken reminded his fiance while her on the other hand is still steadily applying her mascara "I'll be there in a minute!" Emma yelled from the other room "More like you'll be here in an hour" Mikey chuckled as he lean in the door frame, wearing a suit

"Damn, why do women take so long to get ready? Mikey, do something about your sister" draken scratch his head "No can do, YOU do something about your wife" Mikey replied, taking a taiyaki out of nowhere and biting it "She's my FIANCE and where did you even take that taiyaki from?" Draken asked, irritation visible in his face "The invincible Mikey shall never reveal his tricks!" Mikey replied with an accent, causing draken to wish he didn't even ask.

"Alright, let's go!" Emma said as she walked down the stairs wearing a multi layered dress as she wear her hair in a stylish bun. Draken smiled at the sight of her "You look gorgeous my beloved wife" Mikey mimicked draken's voice as he stood behind him with a taunting face

Draken gritted his teeth and tried to grab Mikey's hair but miserably failed as Mikey has already made a run for it, leaving an irritated draken and a laughing emma

"Mm, this should do" Mitsuya nodded after finishing with helping chifuyu with his three piece suit "Wow taka-chan! Great work as always!" Hakkai applaud.

Chifuyu looked at himself in the mirror, a faint blush appearing on his face "Wow...it's really happening" he smiled to himself as he eyed the little flower decoration in his little chest pocket "Do your thing, I'll be going" Mitsuya patted chifuyu's shoulder before exiting the dressing room.

Chifuyu had a big nervous grin on his face. At last, he's marrying his one true love. He felt both excitement and anxiety "Ok, chifuyu...Today is your big day, you better compose yourself!" As chifuyu was busy encouraging himself, meanwhile keisuke...

"OI BAJI- Damn this dumbass- TAKEMITCHY!" Draken who has just previously arrived along with Mikey, Emma and takemichi who just arrived with his wife is currently helping keisuke with his three piece suit.


Takemichi sigh "Wow, baji's really nervous huh" Mikey approached, already having a cupcake in his hand "Yeah– eh? where did you get that cupcake Mikey-kun?" Takemichi questioned while Mikey just took another bite "Glad you're here to help baji, takemitchy" Mikey gave takemichi a smile "No seriously, the wedding hasn't even started yet. Why are you alrea–" "Go takemitchy! Help my silly best friend with his suit" Mikey smiled, still ignoring takemichi's questions

Takemichi decided to brush it off "Here, let me help you, baji-kun" takemichi offered

"Ah! Here you are! Geez you silly boy!" A female voice spoke and everyone in the room turned her way "(Y/N)-chan! Glad you could make it" Takemichi smiled while the female returned the smile "I thought I told you to find me as soon as you arrive?" The female scolded her fiance

"But I couldn't find you" Mikey pouted "Couldn't find me, my ass! You're literally eating one of the cupcakes for the wedding! And the wedding hasn't even started!" The female continue to scold her lover "Ah but-" "No! I am not that busy that you'd bother me, my god manjiro!" The female let out an exaggerated sigh

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