|If only|

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        "Now that's been dealt with, this little guy is now all yours. Take good care of him!" Chifuyu waved as the customer leaves

"Phew another pet found their rightful owner" Chifuyu smiled as he wipe a sweat "Good work" a certain voice spoke and chifuyu turned around with a smile "Good work to you too, Baji-san" Baji pouted and sigh

"After all those years, you still call me Baji-san don't you think it's about time you should start calling me by my name? Even better call me hone-" before baji could finish, chifuyu had cover his mouth. Baji looked at chifuyu and saw how embarrassed chifuyu is.

Baji smirked mentally before licking chifuyu's palm as he quickly retreat. Chifuyu playfully glares at baji "No, I've got used to calling you that- I can't just change it" Chifuyu pouted. Baji frown before wrapping his arms around chifuyu's waste "Ah-"

"Love, how long will it take for you to get used to me?" Baji asked as he lay his forehead in chifuyu's "B-Baji-sa-" "Uh uh uh, Call me something else" baji scolded "... D-Darling" chifuyu bit the bottom of his lip from embarrassment

"Good" Baji smiled before leaning in and kissing chifuyu "Mm-!" Chifuyu accidently let out a moan as he wrap his arm around baji's neck as they both deepen the kiss. Chifuyu felt something enter his mouth. Chifuyu fell deeper into the kiss as baji's tongue explored his mouth

Each second gets hotter and each second get even more passionate. Chifuyu pulled away from the kiss and both of them breathing heavily "W-We should... We should really close now" Chifuyu smiled "Y-Yeah..."

Baji look at chifuyu as he walk away to close the shop. Baji raised his hand to his lips as he kiss the ring on his finger "You're the best thing that happened in my life... Chifuyu"

E n d

A/N: OH MY GOD my heart rate while writing this went 📈 I was trembling omg this was so fun to make AAAA

Also for context, Baji and chifuyu are in their twenties here- is married now and the two of them is running a pet shop

This book will be updated the next Halloween for Halloween special then baji and chifuyu's birthday then finally Christmas... Oh, maybe new year too (-_-;)・・・

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