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     It is currently 11:59 pm and little chifuyu is restless.

He have been laying on his bed for 35 minutes trying to put himself into sleep– yet to no avail. So his mind start to wander "I wonder if baji-san is still awake at this hour" he thought "Baji-san... Baji-" chifuyu start to roll around his bed left and right while hugging his pillow tight

He stopped to gasp for air, his face still red from what happened in the rain "Baji-saaaaaaaan" steam start come out of chifuyu's head as he hide his face on his pillow to squeal, Just then his head shot up when he heard the doll bell rang

"Huh? Who could it be at this godly hour?" Chifuyu asked himself before walking towards the front door and took a peek at the peek hole.

Speaking of the devil, it's baji keisuke himself. He's wearing a pajama with a pillow on his right hand, his hair a tad bit messy. Chifuyu's face turned into a red tomato as he quickly turn around and his back on the door

He start breathing heavily at this sudden visit "Chifuyu? You there?" Baji asked. Chifuyu put both his hands on his mouth, his eyes wide like saucers "tsk, already asleep huh..." Baji said as he scratched the back of his head

Chifuyu flinched as he heard footsteps walking away that's when he immediately opened his door with a bang and called "BAJI-SAN!" baji turned around and saw chifuyu. Chifuyu breathing heavily and his hair a mess "What, you're still awake? Could've answered sooner" baji complained as he walk towards chifuyu

"A-Ah I was in the bathroom" chifuyu laughed nervously. Baji eyes chifuyu up and down before asking "What? Were you reading p*rn or something?" He asked in disgust "N-NO! Of course not!" chifuyu objectified "A-Anyway, what are you doing outside at this hour?" Chifuyu asked "Ah, I pissed mom off so she kicked me out and said Go sleep outside!" Baji said ever so casually

Chifuyu looked at baji in disbelief "Baji-san... Just what exactly did you do?" Chifuyu asked as he sigh "Nevermind that, Thank you for having me" Baji said as he invited himself inside "OI!" Chifuyu called out.

"Ah, Peke J!" Baji's eyes brightened as soon as he saw the black cat and kneeled down to pet it "Long time no see, You've been good?" Baji asked as he reached to his pocket and pulled out a dried fish "Here" Baji gave the dried fish to Peke J

"Did you seriously come here just for Peke J?" Chifuyu asked himself and sigh. Baji continued petting the black cat and turned his head to chifuyu "Chifuyu, do you have a spare futon?" Baji asked "Sorry baji-san but I don't own any extra futon" chifuyu answered sadly

"I see. Can we share the bed then?" Baji asked. "..." Chifuyu paused for a moment to process what's happening.


"?!" Chifuyu tensed up "Y-YOU MEAN– YOU WANNA SHARE THE BED?!" Chifuyu asked, his cheeks turning red "Mm, what's wrong with that?" Baji asked dumbfounded

Chifuyu began to stammer. Baji stood up and turned to chifuyu "Are you still shy after that little thing we did?" Baji asked as he got closer to chifuyu. Chifuyu felt himself taking a step back

Each time baji get closer, chifuyu take a step backwards to the points where his back is on the door. Baji has successfully pinned chifuyu "B-Baji-san?" Chifuyu asked, his eyes can't focus on anything

Baji put a hand on chifuyu's chin and lifted his face, forcing him to look at him "Chifuyu..." Baji spoke. Chifuyu gulped in response "Y-Yes baji-san?" Chifuyu felt his heart beat faster each second "May I... Kiss you right now?" Baji asked as he leaned towards chifuyu

Chifuyu felt his mind going numb, sweat rolling down his skin- his cheeks as red as a tomato, He shut his eyes close and...

"Just kidding" Baji laughed as chifuyu opened his eyes to see baji has distanced himself "You really thought I'm gonna kiss you? Haha!" Baji laughed. Chifuyu felt embarrassed at this and face palmed himself "stupid baji-san..." Chifuyu mumbled under his breath as he followed the black haired man

"You seriously have no futon?" Baji asked, scratching the back of his neck "I told you no! Go sleep on the couch or something, I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight" Chifuyu huffed as he turned off the lights and lay on his bed "It's your fault coming in unannounced" chifuyu covered himself

Suddenly, chifuyu felt a weight land on the bed behind him, He quickly turned around his head only to be embraced by baji "Little spoon... " Baji mumbled "H-Huh?" Chifuyu in confusion looked at baji, despite the dim lights coming from the moon he can clearly see baji

Baji inhaled chifuyu's scent as he nuzzle his head on the back of chifuyu's lower neck "B-Baji-san–!" Chifuyu tensed up. A moment of silence passed by... Until-

"Chifuyu... Do you wanna kiss?" Baji asked "Huh?! What made you thi-" before chifuyu could finish his sentence, a hand grabbed his chin and forced him to look the other way.

Baji enclosed his lips against chifuyu "Mng?!" Chifuyu struggled. Both boys felt their heart beat faster, their cheeks turning red, Baji held chifuyu's face gently

Baji pulled away from the kiss. He looked at chifuyu's eyes, they were wide "Baji-san..." Chifuyu spoke...

"Is it normal for friends to kiss?" Chifuyu asked "Who knows..." Baji leaned closer once again, he can feel chifuyu's arm wrap around his neck as chifuyu pulled baji closer for another kiss

Baji deepened the kiss further and soon pulled back "We should sleep now, baji-san" chifuyu said, Baji nodded in return and lay behind chifuyu once again "Baji-san..." Chifuyu spoke in which baji hummed in response "Goodnight..." chifuyu said. A low chuckle was heard from baji as he gave a peck on chifuyu's head and said

"Sweet dreams, chifuyu"

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