|A peaceful day|

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     It is currently the first day of spring and the Tokyo manji gang are resting.

That was of course until once again the toman leader has declared to hang out.

| Chat thread |

Mikey: Hey guys, I'm bored let's hang

Draken: Sure

Mitsuya: What for?

Mikey: It's nice outside

Draken: and?

Pah chin: Will there be food?

Mikey: It won't be called a picnic if there isn't

Peh Yan: Good point

Muto: Sorry, I'm not available at the moment

Mikey: that's sad

Kazutora: Picnic? Sounds good

Smiley: Captain, we'll tag along as well

Kazutora: you and angry? Sure

Angry: Thanks captain

Mitsuya: 2nd, 3rd, 4th division leaders and vice captain will be there, 5th division isn't available. Baji! You and chifuyu coming?

Chifuyu: That sounds nice, we'll go

Mikey: Where's baji?

Chifuyu: uhmm..

Baji: in hirE

Chifuyu: he said "I'm here"

Baji: am wit shipuyu

Chifuyu: he said "I'm with chifuyu"

Mikey: Wow baji, you're already a teenager and still can't spell

Baji: maki ayl kih U!

Chifuyu: He said "Mikey, I'll kill you!"

Mitsuya: So everyone except 5th division will be going then

Mikey: Let's have a picnic at the shrine tomorrow at 10 AM

Mikey: Don't be late! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Draken: Talk to yourself

Baji: sit du n hu kit gittn leyt

Chifuyu: He said "Says the one who keep getting late"

Peh Yan: I may be dumb, but not as dumb as baji

Pah chin: Yeah

And so it is currently 9 am and chifuyu is getting ready to leave. Chifuyu has finally fully dressed himself up, brushed his teeth and fixed his hair, he's definitely ready to go

"Am I forgetting something?" Chifuyu asked himself as peke J purred at his feet "I've already fed you peke" chifuyu chuckled. Chifuyu pondered for a while and looked at his kitchen.

"I should probably bring something with me" chifuyu nodded before going through his kitchen to search for useful items for this picnic. Chifuyu sigh as his search was a fail "Let's see... Maybe I should make chicken sandwich" chifuyu suggested to himself as he look at the time. It is currently 9:03 am and chifuyu nodded to himself

"It will only take a bit" chifuyu told himself as he began working on the ingredients at hand. He have some leftover chickens from last night, some bread, mayonnaise, some lettuce and some cheese "Will these work?" Chifuyu asked himself in doubt. Chifuyu shake his head as he smile "No, I'll make it work" Chifuyu confidently said as he put his apron on and took out the right tools

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