|After the fight|

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Chifuyu and baji is currently on their way back home after the war with moebius

Of course, toman still won with the invincible Mikey on their side as well as the reliable toman division captains.

(A/N: In this one shot no one got stabbed or anything, now back to the story)

Chifuyu watch every building rapidly pass by as he sit still in his 1st division Captain's motorcycle who's nicknamed as cockroach. Odd indeed

The ride was silent as neither of them said a word, only the sound of baji's motorcycle can be heard. Chifuyu unconsciously lay his head behind baji's back as baji noticed this

"Chifuyu?" No answer "Did you fall asleep?" Baji asked, Chifuyu move his head side to side as if to answer no to baji "Good, I wouldn't want to carry anyone again just because they fall asleep in my bike..." Baji sighed in relief "Again? This happened before baji-san?" Chifuyu asked

Baji sighed again "Yeah. It was way back then, maybe it's been 2 years now since... Me, draken, Mitsuya, peh Yan, kazutora and Mikey were on our way to the shrine, Mikey was on my bike as well like this..." Baji's expression darken "Then out of nowhere the bastard fell asleep. We had a race to the shrine and I ended up in last place cuz of Mikey" baji cringed mentally of that memory

Chifuyu chuckled "Mikey-san been like that since then? He's quite an amusing guy" chifuyu laughed "More like a pain in the ass! AHAHAHAHA!" Baji laughed as he remembered all the times Mikey has messed up

"Oh, wanna stop by that ramen shop?" Baji asked as he slow down the speed of his bike "Do you have any money with you, baji-san?" Chifuyu asked "...no" Baji replied hesitantly "Figures" chifuyu smiled in dismay

Chifuyu started to pat on his pocket "Oh, I got a few coins here" Chifuyu said as baji gasp "For real?!" Baji stopped the bike as both of them get out of the bike "Let's go then! Chifuyu" baji said as he happily made his way inside the shop "Let's see..." Chifuyu mumbled

"Yikes, I only have enough for the cheapest one and-" chifuyu was stopped as he heard a loud thud of the door opening "Yo, old man I'm back- oh?" Both baji and chifuyu eyes widened as they saw who it is

It's the leader of moebius himself and Mikey's earlier opponent. None other than Hanma shuji himself

Hanma grinned at the sight of two toman members "Oh? What's the toman gang doing here?" He grinned "Hm? You're back already?" A voice from a middle aged man was heard

"Shuji? You're back already- ah, did you got in a fight again? Geez children these days..." The middle aged man got back into his work "Seriously, do I have to remind you everyday that I'm 16 now, I'm not a kid anymore" hanma grumbles as he sat on a stool

His gaze went back to the two delinquents "Oi you two, come sit down" baji and chifuyu both tensed up "Are they your friend, shuji?" The middle aged man asked as he placed a bowl of ramen for hanma "Nah" hanma replied bluntly as he took his chopstick and divide it into two "Just people I know" he said as he start eating his noodles

Chifuyu and baji glanced at eachother before hesitantly sitting on the stool. To their surprise, Two bowls of ramen was served to them both "U-Uh we didn't-" Chifuyu was cut off "Stop with the formalities, just eat" hanma said as he took another bite "But we can't pay" chifuyu said

"Don't worry, it's on the house" The middle aged man said as he smiled "For real?!" Baji's eyes gleamed "Yeah, now shut up and eat" Hanma replied. Baji and chifuyu both looked at eachother with eyes full of sparkles as they both smiled "ITADAKIMASU!" both baji and chifuyu said before taking their chopsticks and dividing it into two and start chewing on their food

"Sho guuUd!" Chifuyu said while his mouth full "Shifuyu chont shok wish yow mawph full" Baji said as he continue chewing on the ramen "You're one to talk" Hanma said as he finished his ramen

"Hanma, You and the ramen owner seems to know eachother" Chifuyu said as he look at hanma "Hm? Oh that's my dad" hanma said as he took a toothpick and start picking his teeth "Y-Your dad?" Chifuyu felt a sweat drop on his temple

A clanking sound was heard and chifuyu turn his head towards baji as baji said "Thanks for the food" before looking at chifuyu "You finished yet, chifuyu?" Baji asked and chifuyu looked at him food "Ah- y-yeah... Thanks for the food" chifuyu said "Going already? Till next time then" hanma said as he stood up as well

"Thank you for the meal sir, we really appreciate it" Chifuyu bowed "Thanks for the free food" Baji bowed while smiling "Don't mention it, now you boys get going" the owner said as both delinquent left the humble shop

"Man I'm stuffed" Baji said as he hoped on his bike "That was really good isn't?" Chifuyu said before hopping on the back of baji's bike
Baji started his motorcycle before taking off, behind them stood a certain 16 year old as he light his cigarette while watching them both drive away "...They look like a couple"
He said before entering the sighing

At last, baji and chifuyu arrived at their building "Then, I'm gonna go now" Chifuyu said before waving goodbye to baji, baji pouted "Aren't you gonna kiss me goodbye?" Baji smirked as he saw chifuyu tense up

Chifuyu stood still for a moment before turning his head to baji "J- I'LL SEE YOU T-TOMORROW" chifuyu said before walking away with a red face

Baji chuckled at his reaction "Mm, see you chifuyu"

E n d

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