|After school|

701 33 35


   It is currently late September and baji as well as the other students are suffering from the unforgiving wrath of the sun

"Man... I'm so hot..." Baji whined as he pull slightly on his collar and let the air cool him "Ughhhh why is it so hot..." Baji frowned

"Baji-san! Going home?" A familiar voice called as he walk beside baji keisuke "Shut up chifuyu, I'm in incredible heat right now..." Baji said as chifuyu's eyes widened "Woah, careful how you word things baji-san" chifuyu sweat

Baji turned to chifuyu with an annoyed look "What? Did what I said mean something else?" Baji asked "E-Erm..." Chifuyu turn his gaze to the side "N-No, don't worry" chifuyu sigh in relief "This heat is damn awful! I wanna go in a snowy place already, I hate this weather" baji whined further as more sweat roll down his skin

Chifuyu touched baji's back and retreated his hand quickly "Gross baji-san! You're all sweaty!" Chifuyu cringed "Huh?! Well tell me about it!" Baji frowned "Seriously..." Chifuyu sigh in dismay

Both delinquents have exited the school gates and now on their way back home "Ugh so hot!" A female voice from behind was heard "Ne, should we go to that newly opened store?" Another female voice was heard "Oh! You mean that under construction one from weeks ago? They finally opened- seriously?" The girl asked "Seriously! We should go there and cool off" another girl said

Baji felt his ear twitch as he stopped on his tracks and turned around, chifuyu raised a brow "baji-san?" Chifuyu watch as baji walk back and confronted the two girls

"Oi, where is that store you two talking about" Baji asked as chifuyu watch in surprise, and surprisingly enough, baji seem to be in perfect posture unlike a minute ago

Both girls held eachother's hand as they tremble "he- he's definitely a delinquent isn't he?" Female one whispered "H-He definitely is!" Female two whispered "Oi!" Baji raised his voice and the two girls tensed up

"Ah, I suppose anyone would think he's a delinquent when he's not in his nerd attire..." Chifuyu thought to himself "U-Um... I-It's in th-that 3rd s-street 1-10 blocks from h-here" female one answered "Thanks" Baji smiled and turn his back from the two girls "Let's go, chifuyu" baji grinned, seeming to be in a better mood now

"Do you Seriously have to scare those two?" Chifuyu sighed "Huh? Scare them? I'm only asking them" baji said as he and chifuyu start walking. Chifuyu turn his head back to the two girls to see them trembling and soon falling on their knees "Nah, I don't think so..." Sweat roll down his temple

Finally chifuyu and baji has arrived in the said shop. It's an ice cream shop with various bright colors "So pink" Baji commented before shaking his head "Let's go, chifuyu" baji said before holding chifuyu's hand and taking him inside the shop "Baji-san, do you even have money with you?" Chifuyu asked

"Mm, I didn't get to spend my lunch money since someone from another class gave me their lunch" Baji answered casually "You didn't bully them into giving you their lunch, did you baji-san?" Chifuyu asked "No, She gave it to me herself along with a letter" Baji said as he reach in his pocket and took a piece of paper

"S-She?! Baji-san have fangirls?!" Chifuyu asked in shock. Baji looked up before looking at chifuyu again "Guess you could say that" Baji said as he look at the ice cream menu "What did the note say?" Chifuyu asked in suspicion "Something about... Eat well or something. Here, read it" Baji said as he hand over the note to chifuyu

Chifuyu took the note before reading it

"Dear Baji-kun,

       I'm (L/N) (Y/N). You probably don't know me but I'm your classmate! I've had my eye for you for a while now and I just wanna say that I like you so much! I'm not expecting you to be my boyfriend or anything but I hope my feelings will reach to you!

With lots of love,
(Y/N) (L/N).

Chifuyu felt his blood boil reading the letter "BAJI-SAN! Did you seriously accepted a meal from a girl who you don't have knowledge of and what's more it comes with a CONFESSION LETTER?!" Steam come out from chifuyu's ears

Baji raised both his brows "A confession letter, seriously?" Baji said, he seemed to be creeped out "Seriously!" Chifuyu looked baji seriously "She have a crush on you! Lucky you baji-san! So what will you reply to her?" Chifuyu asked, he seems excited

"Reject her" Baji said while still looking at the menu "What" chifuyu's face turned surprised "Reject her, I already have so much in my plate, I don't want a girlfriend to look after" Baji said. Chifuyu's eyes widened

"For real?!"

"For real. I'd like to buy two chocolate mint ice cream please"

"B-But! You might get old single!"

"Don't care"


  Baji looked at chifuyu with a serious face and walked towards near him "Chifuyu" Baji spoke in low voice, almost in a whisper "We've already kissed too many times, It wouldn't be wise to date a girl who I don't have feelings for" Chifuyu's eyes widened "W-What are you saying, baji-san?" Chifuyu felt his heart race

"Two chocolate mint ice cream's are ready!" The staff said as baji walk back to the counter and payed the staff before taking the ice creams and giving one to chifuyu. Chifuyu looked at it before taking it

The walk was quiet as both eat their ice cream in silence. A tint of red is visible in chifuyu's cheeks as baji have chifuyu a side eye.

Baji smirked seeing chifuyu so nervous while licking his ice cream, without hesitation baji held chifuyu's hand that is holding the ice cream before taking a bite of his ice cream "HA?! BAJI-SAN?!" baji pulled back while looking away as if nothing happened

Chifuyu growled before snatching baji's hand and taking a bite out of his ice cream as well "AH!! Chiiifuyuuuu!" Baji gritted his teeth towards chifuyu as chifuyu giggled before running away "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE OMELETTE!" baji yelled as he chase after him

"HAHAHA! Catch me if you caaan!" Chifuyu teased as he kept running "I'LL EAT YOU ENTIRE ICE CREAM ONCE I CAUGHT YOU!" Baji angrily declared "NOT IF YOU CATCH ME FIRST!" and so the two chased after eachother the whole afternoon

"They're definitely dating" Female one stated "Yeah, they're definitely in a relationship!" Female two said. Both of them looked at each other with glistening eyes as both of them squeal "AAA! THIS IS DEFINITELY A REAL LIFE SHOUNEN AI!"

E n d

P.S: Both females are the ones baji confronted earlier and turns out they're both a fujoshi under a normal highschool girl cover.

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