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      Halloween is around the corner and baji and chifuyu is having a hangout

  "Halloween... Is coming soon huh?" Chifuyu look up at the ceiling "Ah, are you planning something for Halloween?" Baji asked as he flipped the page of the picture book of cats he's reading "Hm... I'm not sure yet, what about you, baji-san?" Chifuyu asked as he eyed the black haired man

Baji paused for a second before grinning towards chifuyu "Wanna scare some people?" Baji suggested. Chifuyu sat up straight as soon as he heard baji's suggestion "Are you sure baji-san? Don't you wanna go trick or treating?" Chifuyu asked

"Trick or treating? Aren't we too old for that?" Baji raised a brow while chifuyu shook his head in disappointment "Baji-san, you don't gotta say it like as if you're a grown up now" chifuyu sigh "I am though" baji said so casually

"Baji-san being 14 years old doesn't mean you're a grown up now... Anyway, do you know what will mikey-san and the others will be doing?" Chifuyu asked. Baji look up to the ceiling "Mikey huh... Probably buy a bunch of candies or something... Forget toman, let's do something for Halloween, just the two of us" Baji faced chifuyu with toothy smile

"Like what exactly?" Chifuyu asked "... Like let's set cars on fire?" Baji tilt his head. Chifuyu felt a sweat drop in his temple "Are you just hungry, Baji-san?" Chifuyu smiled nervously "Maybe" Baji responded as he lay flat on the floor. Chifuyu stood up "Got it, I'll make something" Chifuyu said before leaving the room to head to the kitchen

Baji quietly followed the little blonde boy like a curious cat. Chifuyu opened the refrigerator to see what he currently have. 8 pieces of egg lay on the shelve, there's little to no mayonnaise in the jar, some rice from last night and a few peyoung yakisoba. Baji peered from behind chifuyu "Ah! Peyoung yakisoba!" Baji exclaimed as he reached for the noodles

Chifuyu slapped baji's hand as baji retreated his hand quickly "Chifuyu! Why?!" Baji asked, bubbles of tears forming into the corner of his eyes as he glare at chifuyu like a child. Chifuyu turned to face him and said "You already had peyoung yakisoba earlier in lunch, I'll make some fried rice- you go sit and wait" Chifuyu scolded as if he's baji's mother "What are you? My mom?" Baji asked sarcastically as he once again tried to reach for the noodles only for chifuyu to slap his hand away again

"Baji-san!" Chifuyu scolded the black haired boy "Just give me my peyoung yakisoba!" Baji ordered, about to throw a tantrum. Chifuyu sigh and as fast as he can, he took out the frozen rice, 2 eggs and closed the refrigerator. Baji let out a dramatic gasp as chifuyu turned around to him and glared at him playfully "Just sit and wait, this will only take a moment" chifuyu said before heading to the counter.

Baji looked at chifuyu in pout as he rubbed his red hand and sat as chifuyu ordered. Baji watch chifuyu put on his apron and began cooking "Is it done yet?" Baji groaned "No, I haven't even started yet" Chifuyu said as he turn his head to baji while he tie the back of his apron

Baji throw his head on the back and let out a long groan "ughhhhhh hurry up already..." Chifuyu sigh at his captain's childishness "Yes, yes... It'll be over soon" chifuyu said as he took out the garlic

Baji stared at chifuyu while the blonde boy cook "Chifuyu... You really look like a house-husband in that" baji muttered but enough for chifuyu to hear "A house-husband? Isn't mitsuya-kun more like that?" Chifuyu smiled nervously "But watching you like this- you look more like a house-husband" baji nodded, trying to distract himself from his hunger and setting a car on fire in result

  Chifuyu paused for a bit before saying "Do you think girls will like me more if they know I can cook?" Chifuyu asked with a grin which made baji's expression immediately turn dark. The black haired boy felt his eye-brow twitch "Ha? Why would you want that?" Baji asked, clearly pissed

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