|Happy birthday, Baji-san|

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      Not that long ago, me and baji-san started dating. His birthday is also nearing, I need to think of a way to celebrate his birthday- not as his vice commander but as his boyfriend.

I sat on the swings by myself as I sway slowly while my mind wander of possible scenarios that could happen during his birthday...

"Baji-san! Happy birthday!" Chifuyu acted on his mind "No no, that's too plain" "Baji-san! Happy birthday! Here a kiss as a gift from your boyfriend" chifuyu blushed "No no! That's too weird!" "Darling! Happy birthday, I made you a cake would you like to eat? Oh no, I've spilled the cake all over mysel–" "THAT'S TOO EROTIC!" chifuyu breathed in and out heavily as his cheeks are beet red

"What's too erotic?" Chifuyu fliched as he heard a voice behind him. He stopped the swing and look behind, Behind him is none other than the 3rd division captain kazutora hanemiya "What? Did you and baji do it? I didn't knew you were that bold chifuyu" Kazutora laughed as he sat beside the swing next to the blonde boy

"No! You got it all wrong... I'm just thinking what to do in baji-san's birthday since it's near and... A unique way....to... celebrate it with him...as-...h-hi-his b-boyfriend" chifuyu blushed as he fidget his fingers. Kazutora eyed the blushing blonde boy and chuckled "You finally started dating baji, huh?" Kazutora raise his head and look in the sky "A way to celebrate baji's birthday... Why not just go on a date with him in his birthday? I'll tell Mikey and the others baji won't be celebrating his birthday with the rest of the gang like usual since he's gonna go on a date with you" kazutora smiled at the blonde

"A date..." Chifuyu mumble to himself. Kazutora look at the blonde boy before standing up "Make sure baji enjoy himself alright? Then I'll be going now" kazutora said as he left the playgrounds leaving me all by myself.


  Baji's birthday has arrived and chifuyu is supposed to meet baji on the busy streets of shibuya. The blonde boy looked around before his eyes glimmer as soon as he spotted a certain black haired man waving at him with a big smile on his face

Chifuyu smiled "Baji-sa–" before chifuyu could finish, the black haired man has wrapped his arms around the blonde boy "You look handsome, darling" baji spoke while eyes closed as he inhaled his boyfriend's scent. Chifuyu felt his cheeks turn red "D-Darling?" Chifuyu repeated while baji nodded as he let go of the hug and held his lover's hands "Yeah! I thought of what I should start calling you last night and I come up with darling! Isn't that great?" Baji let a toothy smile

Chifuyu looked to the ground embarrassed "I-Isn't that a little... Extra?" Chifuyu hesitantly asked. Baji looked at him in confusion as he lean a bit closer to his lover "Then what should I call you? I see other lovers calling eachother pet names" baji asked, pure curiosity in his eyes

Chifuyu nearly felt himself faint "How can my boyfriend be this cute–?!" He mentally screamed to himself all while trying to keep a cool posture "U-Um..." Chifuyu's mind start to wander as he wonder what perfect pet name fitting for him and baji could be.

"I've read in my mangas that when two characters become a couple, they will start calling eachother by honey or babe... Neither seem to fit" chifuyu sigh to himself as he couldn't think of perfect pet name for his boyfriend. Hesitantly he held baji's hand as he look at him with a closed eyes smile "I'll think about that later, for now let's enjoy our date" chifuyu suggested as they both started walking

Baji chuckled "You better come up with something or else I'm gonna keep calling you darling, chifuyu" baji smiled as he lay his head on top of his blonde boyfriend. Chifuyu sigh "I will soon, baji-san" Baji leaned away from chifuyu's head as he step in front of chifuyu while holding both his hands with a frown. Baji throw his head back and let out a groan "arghhh! No starting now you won't call me baji-san. I'm your boyfriend now call me something else!" Baji exclaimed with a frustrated huff

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