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     "Alright everyone, don't forget to do your homework, class dismissed!" The science teacher said before leaving.

I look outside the window to notice it's getting cloudy "Wonder if it's gonna rain..." I thought to myself as I put away my belongings into my bag and proceed to get out of the classroom and head to the cafeteria.

(A/N: In this one shot, baji is in his nerd attire not because of a certain incident. But rather because his mother cried for how low his grades are and is scared for his future, now enjoy~)

There was already a line of student the moment I stepped inside the cafeteria "What a pain" I thought to myself before going at a snack shop to buy myself something to it. Then there they have it, The peyang yakisoba. I proceed to purchase the noodles and went outside the cafeteria to eat.

* - Time skip - *

School has finally ended at last and as soon as I switched my shoes to outdoor shoes, the rain started pouring "Yikes, I completely forgot my umbrella..." I talked to myself before proceeding to close my shoe locker. I went at the entrance and extend my hand out "It's really pouring down huh..."

"Hm? Baji-san?" I heard a very familiar voice talk behind me "Baji-san!" He called out happily.

I groaned as I turn around "Chifuyu? Thought you went home already" I simply said "Nah, I'm on cleaning duty" he scratch the back of his head "It's really pouring down huh" Chifuyu commented as he smiled "Yeah..."

Chifuyu stepped beside me and pulled out his umbrella to open it "Did you forget your umbrella baji-san?" He asked with innocent eyes. Not wanting to admit it- I looked away "Ahahaha! You totally did! Then, wanna share my umbrella?" Chifuyu asked

"No thanks" I simply denied "Come on! Baji-san! We live in the same building, it shouldn't be a problem!" Chifuyu whined "That's not the pro-" baji stopped as he heard a female student talking beside them

"Geez, this rain won't be stopping anytime soon huh?" Said a female student "Yeah, Man what a pain- it might even last till nighttime!" Another student said "Heh??? No way! Mom is at work and no one is there to put the laundry inside!" The student complained "Sheesh, are you a house wife or something?" The other laughed "We have to hurry now, This rain won't be showing any mercy to my laundry" "Let's go" The two students walked away.

I frowned when hearing this. I facepalm and finally gave in "Fine, let's share your damn umbrella" I said and sigh

Chifuyu beamed in happiness and happily put his umbrella upward "Let's go, baji-san" He smiled. I sigh and snatched the umbrella "I'm holding this since I'm taller than you" I simply said and started walking "O-Oh. Alright"

The walk was a tad bit noisy since chifuyu kept talking and asking about some topics, He'd switch from topic to another like a noisy parrot who can't stop talking. Soon enough my gaze landed on his shoulder as I notice him getting wet

I switched the umbrella to my other hand and use my other to pull him closer "Then he was like- Ah, baji-san?" Chifuyu asked as I notice his cheeks getting red "Your shoulders getting soaked, you idiot" I told him and he looked at his shoulder and laughed "Oh- hahaha! I didn't even realize"

He laughed as he look at his shoulder "No wonder I felt a bit cold there" He said "Do you think it'll start snowing soon baji-san?" Chifuyu asked out of nowhere. I was taken back by this, snow out of the sudden?

"Why do you ask?" I asked him with a raised brow "Ah- nothing. I'm just wondering how Christmas would be like this year" he said as he look longingly into the sky "Dumbass, it's gonna be Halloween first before Christmas" I said

"No, it's gonna be halloween then your birthday then mine then finally Christmas!" He said proudly. I chuckled "Huh...speaking of birthdays, what are you planning for your birthday chifuyu?" I asked him

Chifuyu looked at me before putting a hand on his chin to think "Hm...Nothing special, I just want to spend my day with you and the rest of toman" He smiled

"What about you baji-san?" He asked "Me?... Probably just spend the day normally" His eyes turned dull "That's boring baji-san" he told me bluntly "Urgh- That's none of your business!" I looked away in a pout "I'm gonna tell mikey-san you want to throw a huge party on your birthday" I felt my eyebrow twitch

"No you won't!" I let out a low growl at chifuyu. Chifuyu looked at me with no emotions in his face and stopped walking.

I stopped walking as well and raise a brow "Chifuyu? Why'd you stop?" I asked him then out of nowhere his hands reach towards my face "Chifuyu?" I asked him. He didn't respond then suddenly I felt my glasses move

"What are you doing?" I asked him, still no response and suddenly he took away my glasses and wore it himself "What exactly are you doing?" I asked him

"How do I look?" He asked me. My eyes widen a bit

"Huh...?" I couldn't process what's happening "Do I look smart now?" He asked me "Baji-san?" He called "Why is your face red?" My eyes turn wide as saucers.

"Chifuyu... Look so damn adorable right now..." I scoffed before reaching to my hair tie and untying my hair. He look at me so innocently, still waiting for my answer

"You look like a damn nerd" I said and before I even realize it, I reach my hand to his face and enclose the gap between our lips.

My heart feels so warm right now. Despite the cold of the rain, My heart and body feels so warm right now.

"I kissed chifuyu..." I thought to myself and pulled away. I look at his face to see his eyes wide as saucers, his cheeks red like a tomato and he's breathing heavily.

Before I could even react he wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me close again. I could feel his lips against mine "So warm, So warm..." Before I even realize it, I dropped the umbrella and embrace him

"Ah... Who would've thought... My first kiss would be with this idiot" I chuckled to myself as chifuyu pulled away from the kiss. I lay my forehead against his "You..." I said between breathes "You look like a nerd..." I chuckled "My nerd" I corrected myself

Chifuyu smiled "Then I'll be your forever nerd, baji-san" He smiled "Ah, damn chifuyu... There's no turning back now"

E n d

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