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Mally's PoV

We had a silent trip on our way out of Salem. None of us would talk to each other, as I passed by the room, I could hear Annalie and Taylor still sobbing. Erïs was the only one who was unfazed and managed to navigate the ship. I missed the time-traveling part of the journey since I was stuck in my room, contemplating the past events.

Slowly, I began to accept who I was and I felt the drive to pursue this destiny of being the 'Prophesized champion.'

When I got out, nothing else was different, we still wouldn't talk to each other, Miles would stay with Annalie, Taylor isolated herself, Erïs and Arvin would go missing then I could see hanging out with the other Scisces-Libquarius, including the ones we brought from Salem. The next night, the group was gathered to the meeting room. All of us sat around the table. We waited for Annalie and Taylor. The two Scisces came in.

"We had a bit of talking but we decided to have a funeral in ancient Greece," Taylor announced.

"Because that's where we'll leave the Scisces-Libquarius we saved," Annalie added, "Plus I don't think my stepbrother would come to the funeral if it was held in the present."

"The Greeks do have good funerals," Miles supported.

We got back to our Mansion, gathered all the Scisces-Libquarius there, and went to Greece. I isolated myself in the room, I didn't want to interact with any of them, it was just... I needed time for myself. When we arrived in ancient Greece, I stayed on the ship. My excuse was that I... wanted to stay. They didn't much hesitate and allowed me. We docked near the kingdom, I'm not sure if Ron or any of the other powerful greek Scisces-Libquarius were there but I sure don't want to know. Being alone in that ship was like being in a horror film, down to the gloomy hallways, rooms I haven't visited, and the echoes whenever I take a step.

The next thing I did was that I locked myself in my room. 

I fell asleep in the dark, alone. 

My dream now was the same as the last, being taunted by the memory of killing Tyler. Then a few flashes of me in someone else's perspective. I saw the first time Annalie and I talked, in her perspective, a couple of similar flashes like that.

I suddenly heard a knock on my door and woke up. My hair was still messed up and some strands were glued to my cheeks to my mouth thanks to my saliva. I opened the door and it was Annalie in a fresh greek black dress with golden linings that make up a diamond pattern from the top to the bottom.

She held a similar dress in her arms and handed it to me, "The funeral is in four hours, be at the castle for the eulogy after you change," she sadly said.

I carefully took the dress from her, placed it on my bed, and walked back to her, "Will Ron be there?" I asked.

"He has been on a mission but Athe sent a message to him," Annalie replied, "Although, I doubt our brother could arrive in time, Mally."

I chuckled a bit, "Late as always," I commented, We had a quick glance and I could really see the pain in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her, sunk my face on her bare shoulder, she settled her face on mine, and tightly embraced me with her arms, letting me feel the coldness, "I wish I could say sorry and thank him," I whimpered to my sister. She gathered her words, she had lost words to say, I could just see the look on her face.

She wiped the tears on her eyes with her thumb and gulped, "It's fine," she muttered, "Just prepare for the eulogy." After that, she went to help with the management.

I changed from my colonial clothes into the black dress Annalie gave me, I even put on the gold tiara that I forgot to notice earlier. I looked myself in the mirror, the person I have become, for a brief second, I saw a reflection of my younger self, just a troublemaking girl from Nevada, raised by a terrible single dad and jerk of a brother. As much as I don't want to go back to those times, I couldn't help but miss the simplicity.

Later, I made my way off the ship, headed to the castle, I was a bit weary from the crowd, thankfully, Annalie found me and dragged me to where the group was at.

All of us had matching clothes, I wanted to point that out but the mood of the room was too dark. We talked a bit. Annalie explained that the Greeks created a life-like wax representation of Tyler and had it cremated.

Then it was time for the eulogy. We were at the living hall, the group was in the front row of people to hear the eulogy. Annalie and Taylor went together, they shared about the memories they had with Tyler, all the camping, road, and food trips they had. They talked about him being a role model, a caring husband and a father. Both couldn't hold back their tears as they made their way through their speech. I felt more guilty that I took him away from them, I know it was by accident but still...

Then it was my turn, I didn't much prepare a speech, I walked up to the pedestal, gazed upon the crowd in the room, and let out a deep breath, "I came into Tyler and his family in an unsuspected time, a time in my life where I was in a deep mess but that didn't stop them from making feel loved, when they took me in" I spoke to the crowd, "I remembered the excitement I got when I found out that they would adopt me, no longer I had to stay in my friends' places," I glanced to the Countries, a faded smile rose from their cheeks, "I reminisce all the dinners we had, all the movie nights we'd spend. He was the closest person I had to being a good dad for me," I looked at Annalie and Taylor, "Then they took in another friend of ours, our baby brother," Annalie and Taylor slowly nodded and my sister glanced back with a gentle smile, for a brief second and slowly looked down at her hands cupped, "Soon after my friends and I went in an adventure but I'll never forget and I'll cherish all the memories I had with him," I next walked off the stage and went to my Annalie and my mom Taylor, I couldn't keep it anymore, my eyes began to be flooded as I came closer to them, "Sis..., Mom..., I'm so sorry," I cried to them, my heart began to sank and beat rapidly "This was all my fault, I got him killed, if I hadn't-"

Taylor interrupted me and wrapped her arms around Annalie and I.

I forgot the words I was about to say when I felt the loving embrace of Taylor, "It's okay," she said to me. 

"It's not your fault," Annalie added. 

I wanted to speak up but I just couldn't seem to muster the words.

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