So far away

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Mally's PoV

We sailed and Sir Ralph led me to the wormhole. Suddenly the scene shifted and I popped in hopefully the shores of Mozambique. The sun annoyed me once again with its light. The breeze was hot, opposite to the calming airs from before.

We navigated through the narrow river with a few fishes passing by us, entering through the forest, and soon after, arrived at the foot of the mountain.

I found a fenced campsite that was stationed there and I got off the yacht. The base was filled with tents, a few large and small colored stone houses. The entire camp looked at me, none of them tried to attack though, they just looked surprised, maybe it was Sir Ralph's essence they sensed or it was because they somehow knew that I was their champion.

Either way, I was glad people saw me as special. I announced my identity, showed them my red tattoo by burning my wrist with some burnt dirt.

They all looked in amazement as they gathered around and led me to a large red-colored house where Sir Ralph translated that they told me to stay in the room.

The sweet perfume-like scents of lavender filled the room.

The thought of pride ran through my head, now I'm the sovereign heir of Sel, I picked up an Egyptian-style blade and raised it to the roof, I'm the champion of the proud history etched in everyone's memories. Surely this is what I ever wanted... surely.

Then another Selrius came to the room. He wore a large leather overcoat even though it was sunny outside, he had a small turbine that rested on his head. He was about fifty or sixty years old but in no way his age caught with him. When he entered, there was a sense of familiarity upon seeing him.

"Hello, I'm Takme-Ri," he greeted spreading his arms, "I was part of the revolution against the Scisces, twenty years ago."

"And I'm the descendant of Sel," I introduced myself, "The prophesized champion," The man didn't seem impressed. I then activated my glowing red wrist and his jaw dropped, "Don't you have a symbol of Sel, Takme-Ri?"

"No," he replied.

He led me up the hill, to have an overview of the base.

I was not impressed, "This is the base?" I complained, "I know that there are more Selrius than Scisces but this?... The Ligs probably had better than this!"

"Calm down champion, this is not the main base," he responded, "We're the resources base, we get the supplies sent to us from all around the world, it would either be a new batch of Selrius from our cloning facilities, new artillery, weaponry, or other supplies and we would send it to the main base."

"Selrius clones?" I pointed out.

"Yeah, that's why we're big in numbers, 75% of the Selrius army are clones, we cloned them from the six facilities in the different continents," he responded, "We even cloned a few Scisces-Libquarius, you might have heard of them, The Red Phoenix."

I was surprised, so that's why Ron hated them.

"So where's this big/main base?" I asked.

"It's in the heart of this continent, hidden in large canopies of trees," he responded.

"So what am I doing here?" I asked.

"First phase of your training," he replied.

He then led me to a small muddy pit down the hill.

Then they brought a wild Hyena in front of me. Its spotted fur wasn't as big as I expected, The sound it made me feel uncomfortable, it either laughed or cried at me. Do cats have tears? Wait are hyenas cats?

"Is this my pet?" I questioned with asmile on my face, "Because if you don't mind, imma name it Maui."

"No, this is not your pet," Takme-Ri sternly said, "The local humans here hated these creatures, we would collect them for military reasons but this one had killed an entire village and I think it is a good warm-up for you," he then pulled out a two feet long metal blade and handed it to me, "Kill it."

The creature was tied down, its mouth was muzzled but a bit loose so it could make its sound. I walked closer to the creature and kneeled down. My heart sank, why do I even have to kill it? Just because its kind is hated, probably lived their lives in a military life which caused it to kill some people...

I know they're even but circumstances shape the people, that's what makes them who they are. And this poor creature has been through the bad circumstances.

As I raised the blade, my hand began to shake and I threw it away. I turned to face Takme-Ri, "We'll work on that," he said.

I went to pet the Hyena and declared that this was my war ally, I found out that it's a girl.

After that, I began my training. And it was grueling.

They switched my clothes to more ragged clothing.

My obstacle course involved me jumping on top of wooden poles at a pool full of boiling oil, being chased by lions, I had to hang on to an acacia tree's branch that was thirty feet from the ground.

Dive into underground lakes, stay up all night to hunt for my food (Maui would help around) but most of the night I wouldn't have anything to eat since the creatures nearby were taken for the Selrius army's consumption, I'd train in a few combat techniques, wrestled with other new recruits (who were much older than me) at the mud pit and I would help in a few raids at the rebels in the other parts of the continent.

That was just the physical training.

Although in my early runs of the course, I failed in every part, I fell at the pool (I had several burn marks on my biceps), I think one of the lions bit off a few parts of my clothes, Takme-Ri had to fish me out because I passed out in my early times swimming at the underground sea channels, in a few fights, I would fall to a pile of rocks and a few left scars at my sides. 

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