Up all night

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Mally's PoV

Now that we managed to steal The Sister's Cloak and the order of Panvi that Ron once talked about, they gave us The Friend's crown when they saw Arvin.

After that, we set coordinates of the ship to Athe's kingdom. But instead of flying, we decided to let the ship sail through the evening sights.

Arvin wore the crown on his head and planned to surprise Erïs.

He rested at the deck of the ship, admired the feeling of the winds, as they raced against his face.

I noticed his nose began to twitch, I didn't mind it and he just rested himself by the pillar of the ship.

I smacked him in the head, "What is it? something going wrong in that head of yours" I asked.

"For one you just hit it so it kinda hurting now," he remarked, his cheeks began to heighten, nose twitching quicker, "But also, I just can't stop thinking of Erïs, how.. Come to think of it, I just suddenly left her," he paused and let out a sigh, "Does she miss me? Would she be mad?"

I chuckled, reached out to rest my hand on his shoulder, "Well, it's not like we'll find out sooner or later," I teased, "But don't worry, I'll be there when things get terrible, if I'm not busy laughing."

"Thanks...?" Arvin awkwardly responded.

"Also, I'd be more than happy to help you find ways to take care of your kid," I added, "Even if Erïs doesn't want you to."

"Wait, what?" he shrieked.

I burst into laughter, "Come on! When you two did it, neither of you two had protection," I pointed out, I proceeded to chuckle even more and left Arvin confused. Just the thought of Arvin trying to raise a kid made me laugh but also a bit fond to think about, I know he'd be better than the parents we had before the Countries saved us from them, I gathered myself and set my eyes on my best friend, letting a gentle smile rose, "Don't worry, you'd be great," I then cleared my throat, "Speaking of relationships, you had one from a girl in day, care for some advice?"

Arvin raised an eyebrow, "For one, don't leave her for a friend to go on a journey," he responded before resting his hands on the ledge, "No matter what I got to save the world reasons you have... it won't fix that much."

"How would you know, you haven't tried speaking to Erïs yet," I pointed out.

"But do you think she'd forgive me?" he brought up.

"Oh no, she will kill you when she sees that face," I joked.

Later that night, as promised, Arvin and I were practicing sword combat on the deck of the ship. He was remarkably skilled for someone who barely fought, and the battle rapidly turned intense. 

Soon, I was blocking and Arvin was swinging his sword at me as he drew closer.

"This is getting rough, eh?" he noted. He struck at me, but I caught his wrist and used red farts to hurl him to the ground.

I was standing over him when he dropped to the deck with a soft thud, "Yup, boy," I teased.

After our exchange, we continued sparring until noise of other ships began to reach our ears. 

Both of us ran to the edge to find something bright in the distance. I used the telescope to find out it was a Selrius fleet with ships that had advanced modifications, perhaps that's why the force's attack can move quicker. 

I moved away and headed to the control room. 

"Mally, what is it?" Arvin called out.

"A fleet from the Selrius!" I quickly answered back.

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