All I want

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Arvin's PoV

It's been a while, from what I could tell, about a month? Half a year? To be honest, I wasn't much keeping track, I was shocked when I found out that it took us a whole year for that Scisces recovery quest. I thought it would just be a couple of months but a whole YEAR! But after learning of the revelation, it didn't much bother me.

I spent my time ever since I got here to be with Erïs.

And now, were by the open-air area of the second floor, resting ourselves by comfortable chairs and letting the breeze flow through our hair, calming us in the time of the sunrise.

I held her hand as we took in the view.

"Do you miss your friends?" she asked after taking a sip of her tea, "Like, do you ever want to know what happened to them? Why they're gone."

I gently pressed my lips onto her forehead, "Look, whatever happened, I'm just glad I didn't make the choice to leave my friends this time..." I gently responded then paused to let out a sigh, "The journey made it for me."

"So you won't mind if they show up one day," she brought up.

"I have a feeling, similar to how they dragged me into their early adventures," I noted, leaning forward, "If they ever show up, it'll be something to do with them going to trouble and they'd need the complete group..." My eyes briefly set eyes on the gravestone that stood over the hole Erïs made so we could bury the pyre along with Armando, may he finally rest, "But we'll never be complete."

But after that quick glance, we were once again focused on the horizon.

It's not like I'm against joining the group, it's just that I have accepted that this is my new start though I don't really know what to do. Though as I turned to Erïs, it may be cliche but it doesn't matter what lies ahead, as long as we're together, it's going to be alright.

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