Ready, I feel it coming

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Percy's PoV

Rachel ran to me, rested her hands onto my cheeks and before I knew it... she pulled me to press her lips onto mine.

I didn't know why but... I pulled away, my eyes wide, my mouth open and inhaling as much air as I could take with hints of chocolate on the tips of my lips slipping in.

I... ran. Until I found myself at the treehouse.

"Okay, I gotta ask," Peter spoke as he caught up with me, "Why aren't you into Rachel? She has a nice personality, pretty and has a future where she'd be more than happy to share with someone good as you."

"If you speak so great of her, why don't you date her?" I asked though it came off as bitter.

"Simple, she's not my type," he responded, "And not be rude but... I don't see myself spending my life with her," he then reached my shoulder, tapping it, "But I can't deny that you two could work well together and you don't have to go through trouble or challenges to win her over."

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh, "Look... Peter," I called, "That's the thing, in life we'd meet people that are good, simply nice people that could become part of a peaceful life if you choose to stay," I then paused and looked up to the night sky, resembling the ceiling in Annalie's room, "But there are people... Who are so special, that... No matter how hard the challenges might be, you'll have a strong urge to go through the trouble. And I have that urge," I then stretched my arm, pointing at a direction, "And I have met mine, I may not know where she is but I know she's not here, so I'll start looking," And I walked away.

For a brief moment, we paused and let the silence fill the scene.

"Can you at least join my search first?" Peter asked, "I... at least know where my special someone is and I have that urge to go to her."

I agreed but just as we were about to dash, I bumped into Rachel.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?" I brought up.

"You two just ran... and I had nothing else to do," she awkwardly replied, she then patted her chest, taking a deep to inhale, "You two are really hard to keep up."

After she finished gathering her breath, I remembered what happened earlier... I took a gulp, "Rachel," I softly called, "About-"

"-It's fine, I understand," she calmly interrupted, a faint smile rose to her cheeks, "At Least this time, I get to say goodbye to my friends," she then made her way to the stairs of the treehouse, pulled out the wooden slab that we used as the doormat, we got closer and found something etched on it, "Take care, Jacob, wherever you are."

The board that was etched read: House of Jacob and Rachel. After that we began to walk back.

"So, the name was Jacob," Peter pointed out with a bit of confusion on his face as he turned to Rachel, "Do you miss him?"

"Yeah, I miss him once in a while," she replied and turned to make a quick glance at the tree house, "He and I convinced his dad to build that Treehouse because we wanted a getaway place whenever we got into trouble..." she paused and glimpsed at the skies, "I hope one day, I'll find him there because he got into trouble and that'll be our reunion."

"And the problem he had was because he was too adorable that many people chased after him," I joked, "Then the problem is resolved by him."

Peter chuckled and even snorted, we both turned to look at him with a bit of confusion on our faces which Peter noticed, "Sorry, it's just that... Jacob, the way you two banter so cutely and how you mates got along with me, reminds me of someone, down to even the fighting," he said to us, "Liam, one of my best friends."

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