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'beep beep beep beep!! beep beep beep beep'

Junkyu lazily streched his left arm out of his large and cozy blanket..he taps around the small table beside his bed and grabs his phone and quickly turned off the alarm... He then throws his phone beside him on his spongy bed and resumed sleeping..

After a long 20 minutes his phone rang again making him frown on his sleep..he didnt bother to open his eyes and shut off his phone, yea he wasnt a morning person...

But then he heard loud banging on his door , he slowly gots up from his bed , annoyed at whoever was intruding his morning nap!! he opened his door half-asleep with his messy hair, then upon opening the door, a man who was giving him a done stare stood infront of him , junkyu frowns when he saw the man after he slightly opens his eyes but walks away not caring and plops down on the couch...

The man then went inside the house and locked the door, he proceeds towards him and slapped his butt, "wake up already! sleepy-head!" | "why are u coming so early in the morning huh? park jihoon?" junkyu slightly shouts with a sleepy voice,

*sighs* "i knew this was gonna happen! i even called you but you reject it!" jihoon frustratedly said only to hear a heartlessly "mmm~?" by sleepy junkyu who was lying on the couch..."did u drink last night or what? dont you remember its your first day of work today!!" he said loud and clear while going through the fridge...

Junkyu was silent for like 10 seconds and suddenly sprinted out from the couch... "akkk! right!! first day of work!!" he said to himself being surprised, he was now wide awake, he quickly went to the bathroom and washed up while jihoon was cooking breakfast for him..

It was already 7:10 am in the morning and junkyu was suppose to wake up at 6 but failed to do and now he was in the state of being late from his first day of work at the W&A company which work started from 9 but for junkyu he had to leave early as it was a bit far away and he had to ride the subway..

Jihoon was making kimchi fried rice with seaweed soup for his best friend who was in a complete mess in the bathroom and all over the place.. he placed the dish in the middle of the table and took out the bowls and arranged the utensils neatly...

Junkyu was tying his shoelace as fast as he can and grabs his coat and briefcase and rushed out of the room, "come sit!" jihoon called junkyu sitting at dining table and junkyu throws his stuff on the couch and sits down quickly gulping down the dish that his so called best friend who was literally both his mom and dad made.. "slow down , your'e gonna get indigestion!" jihoon said looking like a worried mom..

No matter how hurry junkyu might be breakfast at the first week was important and jihoon was the one who made him do it because junkyu tends to work too hard (his previous jobs {not so promising tho} ) during the weekdays that he often ended up eating only ramyeon and other junk foods throughout the busy week..

After he finished his bowl he quickly got up and gave jihoon a quick hug thanking him and went out..

Jihoon and junkyu were friends since childhood so jihoon know everything about him and he also know that he got the least attention from his parents as he was the middle child, his parents loved and gave full attention to their youngest child Kim sunoo and always eyed on their oldest child Kim hongjoong as he was smart and leads people..But junkyu was just an average lovely child who was a hard worker , but his parents never gave him much attention thinking plain hardwork without talent or acheivements was not that great and just let him live however...

But to them(the siblings) it wasnt that important, the kim brothers are unique , junkyu and his older brother (living in australia) lived by themselves as soon as they turn 18 and their youngest is still in high school so he lived with his parents,..

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