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Junkyu, hyunsuk and doyoung went out from the company's car infront of the W&A delivery workshop building, "wow! its really big!" junkyu was amazed at how a certain workshop can be so big..."its W&A duh!" doyoung proudly said earning a small laugh by junkyu, then right then some of the people from matketing department came and stood beside them who was about to head in... "here they go again!" ning ning sighs being so tired of the boys who were giving death glares to each other and now they were pushing each other trying to get in earlier than the other...

Junkyu too laughs at their behaviour finding it funny but also curious why they are always on each other's neck..

Aftet a short discussion , they spilt up to different floors and check on the equipments / parcels boxes / systems...hyunsuk and his team were on the 3rd floor and checks from different areas noting down some important stuffs, since the floor was huge, it was going to take a while to finish..

On the other side haruto was looking around too with his secretary and the chief of the workshop guiding him, "sir ! you see! this is completely perfect , no changes needed, our employees really work hard to maintain it and delivers when needed!" the man constantly talks making haruto annoyed, he suddenly stopped walking and the man and his secretary too stops beside him, "i would like to take a look by myself now!" he said and left , then the man and his secretary went out of the floor...


"3, 5, 6! B-67? isnt it suppose to be on the 5th floor?" junkyu thought to himself checking the boxes, he wrote it down on his board and proceeds to walk, then when reaching a certain corner he saw a man who was looking at the boxes and the man caught him too...He was surprised as he never expect to see him again, "y-you again? what are you doing here?" junkyu asked haruto looking at him as if he saw a ghost..

Haruto looked at him unbothered, "what do you think?" he doesnt bother to tell him as he was gonna find it out sooner or later, junkyu thought maybe he was some customer but why would a customer come to a workshop? he questions not exactly able to answer himself but he cant think of anything else either...

"are you some kind of vip or what?" haruto scans around the boxes beside him while walking towards junkyu his hands folding at his back, "hmm? isnt this from 2015? " he stops when seeing a certain box , "hey! note this down! it should be discarded!" he orders junkyu who was confusedly looking at him but it was his work so he had to do it..

After scanning that area haruto left the place proceeding to check another place, junkyu was looking back confusedly, just who is he? he asked himself and he remebers he doesnt even know his name though they met for the 3th time today, he was about to follow him when doyoung came..

"junkyu! you done with this section right?" junkyu nodds and doyoung drags him away, "help me with this area, its too many for 1 person to do!" he now made junkyu lend a hand to him without even giving him time to refuse or accept but he helped anyway...


After a few hours, they decided to take a quick lunch break and ate some snacks at a convenience store nearby.."btw i heard that the chairman was going to visit the workshop today too!" doyoung said grabbing junkyu's attention, "i saw him outside the parking lot when we were wandering around the 2nd floor" hyunsuk continues while junkyu silently listens before he decided to speak up,

"whats he like? ive never met him before?" he questions the two and now they were preparing for a dramatic act, "you can say he's the scariest CEO in Korea!" hyunsuk said , doyoung continuing "speak one wrong word infront of him and your'e fired!" they were exagerrating but poor junkyu actually believed them thinking how popular and big W&A was, the CEO would also be someone probably scary, he thought to himself..

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