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The morning slowly broke and the bright orangely - yellow sun peeked at junkyu from between the curtains of the window, junkyu slowly flinched and opens his eyes slowly, he rolled around the bed lazily going in for the second round but then after a few seconds, he taps around the bed and realized it was larger than usual, it was softer than usual, the bedsheets were also grey when his was white, he quickly opened his eyes and got up but when he did, his head started spinning like crazy..

He held his head with both his hands and stopped for a moment, adjusting the dizziness , after a few minutes he slowly turn his head up and scans the place, he felt familiar with it, "whose house was this again?" he questions himself, then upon seeing the very familiar chandellier from afar, he knew it was Haruto's house..

He cursed to himself closing his eyes with frustration, he opens the cover and was about to get out of bed when he saw his body, he was half naked wearing only a panty , he was still wearing his shirt but it wasnt buttoned properly, he then tries to get out of bed and stand up, but he cant , he quickly fell hard on the ground from the dizziness on his head, he felt like puking...

He tried his best and balanced himself with all four, he crawled on the ground as he cant stand up straight, he was never like this before when he drank, he was thinking back at just how much he drank and did something else happened to him to get such a ridiculous headache...

He crawled in attempt to walk away and before he walks further, he saw his pants, suit, coat and tie lying all over the floor , he was curious why were they so scattered like that because when he slept there before, his things were arranged neatly on the chair besides the bed... he quickly grabs them and continued to crawl..

He reached the middle of the house where the kitchen was at the left side and the living room on the right side, he glanced around and saw haruto sleeping on the couch naked, he wasnt wearimg any shirt, the blankets covered his lower body and only showed a little of his legs so he dont know if he was completely naked or not, but he thought it was normal for a guy to sleep naked and didnt think much further...

He was really curious at how he ended up in haruto's house again, he cant remeber what happened as it seems he had a blackout, but he didnt want to let haruto see him that messy coz he still have the proper-employee image to protect.. He tried to put on his pants silently standing up, his head was so dizzy that he cant even see anything straight, as soon as he was able to stand up straight, he quickly lost strength in his legs and then he fell on the ground with his pants half pulled up...

He was never like this before even when he got dead drunk, but now why was his legs feeling so weak? he thought to himself and while he was processing, haruto slowly yawned out and got up making junkyu panicked.. he was still on the floor in the middle of the house and haruto was able to see him directly from the right side where the couch was...

"are you a lizard?" he asked with his deep ass morning voice, junkyu nervously looked at him, "what happened?" he asked bluntly, haruto scrathes his head with his right hand and with the other he opens the blanket reavealing his lower body, luckily he was wearing a boxer...

He stood up and stretched ignoring junkyu, then after a while he looked down at him who was still lying on the ground looking like a complete idiot, "what the hell's with your pants?" he asked him, junkyu looked at his legs and saw that his pants were covering only half of him, he close his eyes frustrated and he rest his cheek on the cold floor..

"its weird..i have no strength on my legs!" he said with a frown and haruto pretends like he know nothing, "just how much did you drink?" he asked while scrouching down and pulls junkyu up which caught junkyu off guarded, he quickly looks at haruto durimg the process, "am i seeing this right? am i seeing this right?" he thought to himself, the evil ceo whom he despise, who always look down on him and used him like a slave is now actually helping him up...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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