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It was the weekend and junkyu was shopping, buying his daily needs and new stationaries for his work...

He was shopping at the W&A mall, though he planned on buying only the things he need he looked around every floor and section admirimg the things they displayed, "well..its W&A afterall!!" he thought to himself and kept on looking around..

Then he reached a certain corner where they dislpay all kinds of plushies and doll, it was on the 5th floor,  he was thinking if he should buy it for sunoo his little brother as he loved plushies, he scans around and  even holds them to get a close look, he was holding a large sized ruru doll, he scans carefully and checks the comfy level, he liked it and was about to head to the keeper when he accidentally bumped on someone, "im sorr-" he bowed down slightly apologizing but stopped when he saw the man's face...

"At this point im not even surprised anymore!" haruto said looking at junkyu wearing a done face with his drowsy eyes, junkyu copies back the face "i know right! i wont be surprised if you said you were my stalker!" he said making haruto scoffs at him sarcastically, " tch!! i feel bad for you yknow!" junkyu was not giving a shit at all and proceeds towards the counter with haruto following him, "and who do you think you are to feel bad for me? | i'll take this doll!" he continues talking to the keeper  while replying to haruto..

When the keeper saw haruto , she got surprised and was about to bow down when haruto from the back shook his head telling her not to with  both his hands making the x gesture and she confusedly packs the doll that junkyu was purchasing, "exactly! you dont know who i am to know how bad i am feeling for you imagining ahead of your future!"

"thank you for buying! do visit again!" the girl bowed to junkyu to which junkyu bows back and she also  finally bowed to haruto nervously while haruto ignored her, "if your'e planning to stalk me in the future , dont! unless you wannna stay behind bars!" junkyu gave him a forced smile with a resting face then walks away, "tch! lets see how arrogant you will be the next time we meet!"

"Morning!!" junkyu greeted his co-workers on entering the office, they greeted him back but they all stopped doing what they were doing and stares at junkyu who was normally settling down in his seat, taking off his coat n hanging it at the back , turning on the computer at his desk, but then he felt the stare and looks at them confusedly, "w-what? do i have something on my face?" he asked them confusedly touching his face, nikki beside him turns his chair around facing junkyu with a curious face...

"how do you know my cousin?" nikki asked crossing his arms, junkyu gave a confused face, "who's your cousin? the CEO?? why would i know him? ive never even met him?" junkyu replies more curiously than them, "thats wierd!! then why would he chose you to be his temporary secretary?" hyunsuk said from his seat, junkyu was more surpised and shock than ever, "he what??" he said almost shouting and his eyeballs were about to pop out...

Right then a man in a suit came inside, "Kim Junkyu! your office is moved up to the CEO's office , you will be staying there for a week! please report in quickly!" he then left the office ... Junkyu confusedly packs his things with the other employees giving him the side stare, there was an awkward and weird atmosphere there...

"i'll take my leave then!" he hesitantly said and bowed at them getting a slight head bow by them while working, he was not that happy as he was cautious of his co-workers, they probably worked longer than him so why would he suddenly be promoted even though it was just temporary, he felt uncomfortable but what can he do, it was an order from above...but he was also curious who the hell was the ceo and why would he want him as his temporary secretary...

He rode the elevator up with a confused head full of thoughts, he enters the floor and was amazed by it, the place was huge compared to other floor and there was only one normal office with no seperate wall, everything was visible , he saw only 5 desk which was empty as they dont come to work that early like the other normal workers.. when he saw his post he was surprised again!! the desk was huge and luxurious, the chair was comfy and the place was quiet spacious though it was just along the hallway, the CEO'S office was just accross and he could see most of the interior from the huge glass wall, it was more luxurious than every office he had seen in that building and tidy and smart but there was no one...he thought maybe he never comes to work early and unpacks his things...

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