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After a long 2 hours, the meeting ended and they all got up heavily , stretching their arms, legs and neck, "so we have to work outside next week?" junkyu asked hyunsuk, "it seems! there used to be some labour work when holding a revival plan which is why we dont do it often but i guess our new investor must be a big deal to make the CEO gives in on the revival!" ...

They head back down to their office to continue their work, and on the way doyoung suddenly remembers something, he stopped at his trail and exclaimed, "ah! we totally forgot!" he said almost shouting and junkyu and hyunsuk looked at him curious, "we forgot to hold a welcoming party for junkyu-shi!" and now hyunsuk too remembers and opens his mouth shocked and diverts his gaze to junkyu, "no! no need guys! its not a big deal! i know we're busy enough as it is!" he tries to politely deny but it doesnt work, "ok! we'll go out for a team dinner tonight, lets inform the others!" hyunsuk swings his arm on junkyu's shoulder and walks with him heading to their office....


"Cheers!!" the four boys gulped down the beer while the two girls drank slowly along with junkyu, they were having a team dinner on the nearby diner eating pork belly, "say ahhh!" doyoung who was almost drunk tries to feed junkyu and junkyu just laugh at his soon-to-be-drunk behaviour and ate it..

Junkyu was actually having a great time as it has been forever since he last ate pork belly and also dined out with a group of people, and he was comfortable around his co-workers as they treat him like their regular co-worker from the start, but he didnt know they were heavy drinkers, they kept on ordering more beer and soju and kepts on emptying, the girls were no less of a drinker, they drank slow but still drank a lot, junkyu was amazed at how they could hold their liquor for so long..

since he was also drinking with them he drank more than he expected and was about to get drunk, "yknow! those marketing people are teeny weeny tiny gubs" nikki who was overly drunk beside junkyu talks to him, junkyu who was almost drunk as much as him laughs sheepishly, "whats gubbs?" he asked and nikki laughs, "aha~i mean ugbs ! nugs! bugs! ahaha!" he was almost passing out and junkyu too just laugh at him but he was almost as same as him, "lets *hiccup* leave now *hiccup*!" hyunsuk was standing up trying to put on his coat while hiccuping, doyoung passed out so hyunsuk have to take him home and jaehyuk have to accompany nikki so he dont get lost and the two girls called a chauffer for them and left the place..."whell~missuse totooro junq!" nikki waved to junkyu who was dragged by jaehyuk talking rubbish and junkyu just ignores him as he cant even understand what he was saying....

He was now walking by himself heading towards the subway trying to walk straight, maintaining his drunk behaviour, "i should never drink with them again!" he said frowning with his eyes wide open trying to stay awake, he was dragging his feet and his head felt heavy, he tried to act sober infront of his friends but he was actually really drunk and he havent drink for a while so it was a bit too heavy for him to drink that much, he holds his head trying to be able get to the station with a messy head...


Haruto who was just getting off work was driving towards a random store, he went inside and bought some beer can to drink at home, he paid with his card and pushed the door open and stood outfront, as he was about to walk further a man bumped on his left arm and fell on the ground..

Haruto stared down at the man who was on the ground, he looked liked he was drunk as he cant seem to get up.. the people walking pass by were looking at them so he was bothered by it, he bends down and slightly slaps his cheeks, "hey! mister! get up! this is not your bed!" he tries to wake him up but the man was just mumbling some nonsense which haruto cant understand , he got frustrated and pulled him up, he tries to talk to him again with him directly infront of his face holding his shoulder and thats when he get a good look of his face..

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