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"im talking about your current status!" haruto laughs (ceo mode on) "why thank you! its an honour to hear such praise from the CEO of heelift himself" haruto sips his tea...

"im talking about your current status!" haruto laughs (ceo mode on) "why thank you! its an honour to hear such praise from the CEO of heelift himself" haruto sips his tea

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             Lee Heeseung
(CEO of heelift corporation)
          aka my hubby ^~^

Haruto was having a meeting at the private lounge of W&A mall, "i heard a rumor that seohan-jangryeong is going to invest !" heeseung raised his eyebrows slightly smirking and haruto gives back a smile , "why yes! we've been very busy because of it!" he knew that heeseung was trying to dig in more about the investment as seohan-jangryeong barely invest in any company and he was a very very verrryyyyy big deal..


"ahh hyung! thats pink!" sunoo whines when seeing his hyung picking out a pink hoodie for him, "what!?! its gonna look good on you!" junkyu teased the younger who was pouting and pretends to avoid him scrolling his phone, "fine! fine! lets look over there!" junkyu draggs sunoo pulling him on his arm while sunoo was following him still focusing on his phone..

They were shopping for a while now and it got dark, "ok! i'll chose this for the last!" sunoo picks the perfume stick after choosing a black hoodie and a stylish looking wrist-band, " teenagers!" junkyu sighs while paying for the things that sunoo chose...

"your'e really not gonna visit?" sunoo asked his hyung who just gave him a reasurred smile shaking his head, "get going already! its late!" he pushed sunoo inside the taxi and waved him off.. since his parents did not care anyway , he didnt bother to visit them as he know they wouldnt care more or less, but his brothers were exception , they get-together from time to time but since their eldest brother is not in korea , they had not been spending much time lately, so junkyu wanted to be a good hyung to sunoo while hongjoong (eldest) was away...

It was currently 7:45 pm and junkyu too was planning to get home while walking along the busy streets..He had to walk for another 15 minutes to reach the subway., he was starting to get hungry and bought some tteokbokki , eating while walking, which was his dinner for the night...

He rode the subway for like 1 and hlaf hour and continues to walk again heading towards his apartment.. it was almost 10 and the street leading to his apartment was quiet and peaceful..he was enjoying his night walk by himself when his phone rang, "what?" he replies as soon as he answers, "can you come over??" jihoon asked from the phone, "why?? at this time of night!" junkyu was irritated, "help me with sunghoon's homework! please come over!!!! if not for me then for sunghoon!! pleaseee!! then i'll make dinner for you for the rest of the week!!" he pleaded and junkyu sighs coz this was not about him but about his little brother..

he was enjoying his night walk by himself when his phone rang, "what?" he replies as soon as he answers, "can you come over??" jihoon asked from the phone, "why?? at this time of night!" junkyu was irritated, "help me with sunghoon's homework! ple...

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