×0.9× Really 18+ (very very smut so please dont read if your'e underage)

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Please skip this chapter if your'e below 15, and even if you are above 15 you may be uncomfortable and if you havent read or seen any gay sex, i advise you not reading, i really dont want to be responsible for you if you encounter a trauma or nightmare becoz of it! if you read it knowingly, remeber its not my fault (though yea im the author so a part of me is at fault but im not completely at fault) and i warned you ahead so remeber ... and dont come attack me or i'll punch you instead!! 😡 .. For the people who have no problem with it enjoy!😊😇


           It was finally the last day of junkyu's hellish week, finally after the day ended he was no longer going to be haruto's secretary, he walks towards the company feeling relieved but his heart was still heavy and you all know why...

It was just going to be another day of tolerating haruto's bullshit, junkyu thought to himself but to his surprise , haruto didnt come to work at the company because he had to work outside meeting some officers and visiting some other places, he was a bit lost as he thought 'doesnt the ceo brings his secretary on times like this?' he asked himself but he couldnt care less, he was relieved than ever not having to see haruto for the whole day...

He leisurely walks down to the lobby and bought some coffee, when he was about to get on to the elevator he met hyunsuk, the two bowed awkwardly on seeing each other, junkyu was aware at how his co-workers were going to feel about him, he didnt want to be misunderstood, "cheif!" he suddenly talks alarming hyunsuk, "y-yes!" hyunsuk flinched a bit then faced junkyu, "if you guys dont have any plans for tonight, can we go for a drink? my treat!" he said smiling at him and hyunsuk was a bit surprised at the sudden request but why would he turn down an offer from his co-worker, he agreed and then went on their seperate ways...


Junkyu was trying to freely enjoy his day with no presence of haruto, he felt comfortable seeing the office empty, he thought to himself that he was going to have the best day in the company ever since he worked there or so he thought, his phone rang and when he saw the person who was calling he quickly got dissappointed but still answer anyway, "yes!" it was haruto, though he was working outside of the company, he still had the authority to order junkyu around in the office, he made him do all kinds of work and even though he was not there he asked him to send files and reports that he made through phone and so junkyu did, he thought he was going to enjoy the day but he cant, he dont even know how many times haruto called him for unimportant things, it was more than 10 times, thats all he know....


"bahahahahahahahaha!" they all started laughing losing it while junkyu was glaring at them with his drunk head, "y-you pulled his hair?" jaehyuk asked still laughing , "hey hey hey! zis ot my faurlt! iam scared of zark places!" junkyu who was really drunk clears himself, he wanted to have a drink with them to tell them about his story with haruto and how he wanted him as his secretary just to bully him and now they were losing it on hearing his side of story...

"you zar very ravbe , my friendo!" nikki who was again overly drunk beside junkyu taps his shoulder and junkyu gave him a sheepish drunk smile nodding, "i know" he sassily said and drank more soju, he forgot how heavy they could drink becoz he was drinking much more than them...

They were all dead drunk and the owner had to wake them up since it was time to close, junkyu paid with his card and almost forgot to take it back as he was soo drunk, he cant even walk straight but lucklily the owner catched up with him and gave him back his card...

"you sure you dont need company?" hyunsuk asked worried at junkyu who had to go to the opposite direction from them, junkyu gave back a wide drunk smile barely opening his eyes, "im calling that b**ch so im ogayy!" he answers and hyunsuk thought he was going to call his girlfriend so he reassuredly left him..

× Foolish Encounter × [ HARUKYU] 18+Where stories live. Discover now